Thursday, October 24, 2019

Information of Racial Intolerance :: Racial Intolerance Obscenity Society Essays

Information of Racial Intolerance Intolerance: There are several forms of intolerance but in this case I am referring to that of racial intolerance. Ideas on the subject: †¢ Racial intolerance is an unfair act done by many in the present time. †¢ It shows ignorance and arrogance in the person. †¢ You would think that after so many years and so many advances that today’s society would be able to look past racial differences. †¢ Racial intolerance affects everyone in the world no matter what race or ethnicity they pertain to simply because it is a clear threat to justice and equality everywhere. Changes that need to be made: †¢ To minimize the racial intolerance of today’s world I believe we first have to educate our children of the inhumanity and unnecessary that it brings into society and people everywhere. †¢ I also believe that those who have deep-based angers towards other races should consider looking into some sort of medical attention to trace their hatred and rectify it. †¢ Lastly we should all work together and instead of magnifying the acts of a few or the bad characteristics of some we should look at every race as a whole, acknowledge the good in all people, and acknowledge the possibility that one or a few persons do not determine an entire race. Melissa Serna October 18, 2000 Period: #2 AP English III It’s everywhere you look†¦ Obscenity, according to Webster is anything that is offensive to decency or lewd. Our society is filled with obscenities everywhere you turn, whether it is on television, in a novel, or even in a school. An obscenity can be almost anything, depending on whom it is that sees it, and what their personal standards of decency are. Obscenities can be found anywhere now a days. For example, obscenities can be found in a gory scene from a movie, or even in a movies sexual content. Some CD’s are classified with an â€Å"explicit lyrics† label, meaning they have some sort of indecent song lyrics.

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