Thursday, October 31, 2019

Technology - Voice Recognition Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Technology - Voice Recognition - Essay Example The historical development of speech recognition technology spans at least 50 years. These years can be divided into decades, which most researchers would identify as generations. The 1950s and the 1960s was the period of first generation speech recognition technologies. The market condition for the technology during and immediately preceding periods was not favorable because it was only during the latter part of the 1990s when the technology became cheap and made available to many consumer markets. The late 1960s through the 1970s saw the second-generation technology; the late 1970s through 1980s were for the third generation and so forth. One of the earliest speech recognition technologies include the system for isolated digit recognition developed by the American company Bell Laboratories as well as the technology developed by RCA Laboratories that recognized distinct syllables spoken by a speaker. (Chen and Jokinen, 2010, p. 2) These technologies, including the succeeding attempts of various laboratories were classified as Automatic Speech Recognition or ASR systems, which are primarily based on acoustic phonetic systems. The second generation technologies entailed several breakthroughs. Most of the systems developed used dynamic programming methods such as the Viterbi algorithm, which became indispensable technique in ASR. (Chen and Jokinen, p. 3) Many companies began developing their own speech recognition technologies such as IBM and others companies overseas such as Japan and the then Soviet Union. By 1980s, the third generation has already perfected technologies that that could recognize a fluently spoken stri ng of connected word in addition to the development of various other models such as the statistical modeling and the continuous speech recognition concept developed by DARPA. (p. 4) From the 1990s to the present the development became robust as other technologies that

Monday, October 28, 2019

The Effects of Hip Hip on Our Culture Essay Example for Free

The Effects of Hip Hip on Our Culture Essay The Effects of Hip-Hop in Our Culture There are many differing opinions on whether or not Hip-Hop has a detrimental effect on our culture and youth today. The question I ask is whether it is life portraying art, or art portraying life? Anytime there is an increase in crime, and a decrease in the number of high school graduates there must be something left to blame. Although it may seem easy to say that the media has an effect on the way we see things around us, to what extent is that true? I grew up during the rise in Hip-Hop and believe that it does have both a positive and negative effect on my generation. Early Hip-Hop was viewed as a way for young urban New Yorkers to freely express themselves. It was a new art form accessible to anyone. You didn’t need a lot of money or expensive resources to rap. You didn’t have to invest in lessons, it was a verbal skill that with enough practice anyone could perfect (www. daveyd. com/rapphist3). Another reason hip hop became popular is because there were no set rules. Anyone could rap about anything as long as you were original and rhymed to the beat (www. daveyd. com/rapphist4). Those facts still are true today. If you went into an inner city public school you may be surprised at the number of young children who aspire to become rap artist. In the Black community music, dance, and art is at the forefront of our culture. Many of these traditions are due to our African Heritage, and will probably remain embedded in us for generations to come. Hip hop has created a lot opportunities for black businesses, and entrepreneurship. It has created wealth for Artists that were born in and lived much of their lives in financial hardship. They are given a record deal and many become rich almost instantly. This may have an adverse effect on young impressionable adults. Fancy cars, Enormous jewels, expensive clothing, and the most beautiful women from around the world fill music videos and other media outlets that cover Hip-Hops culture. The lyrics in most songs today express the benefits of being rich, being famous, and having anything that you desire with no discretion or consequence. The agony in this is that everyone wants to me a Millionaire. Are we really afforded the opportunities that we hear about, see portrayed, and even sing along to? For a lot of young adults the answer is yes. With little education, not a lot of money and a few good hooks they also can be a millionaire or wealthy. Hip-Hop not only sells records but also dreams. Young adults idolize Hip-Hop artists and believe that they should also have the things that they were able to obtain. Hip-Hop has also caused controversy about the way women are portrayed in videos and also within the lyrical content of its music. I personally believe that if a woman is in a video doing provocative things and dressed in an inappropriate manner that is her choice. These women choose to put themselves in these situations. I also believe that certain language used to described women in many songs are offensive but we all have a right to freedom of speech. Reality is there are women who don’t respect themselves as society expects them to. More women today are open with their sexuality and may view what was once taboo as okay. Some women see it as a profession that they are being paid to do, what you see in a video is simply acting and not who they really are. Hip-Hop is an art and we sometimes loose sight of that. Just as in movies, something’s are fiction, just a figure of imagination. The media overall has an influence in our society. Music, television, magazines, and newspapers, all play apart and how we perceive ourselves, others, and the world around us. The way an individual interprets things are solely based on their own opinions, views, and lifestyles. The Media feeds you information and everyone digests it differently. So, the question remains does life imitate art of does art imitate life? In Hip-Hop the answer is art imitates life. The images that are seen and the lyrics that are heard are simply an artist painting a picture of the world around them. The picture isn’t always pretty or relatable but its life. It’s the issues that go unaddressed by our government, it’s the stories of poverty, it’s the pain that a lot of young adults feel, it’s the dreams of making it, and for some just a good beat to dance to. It is the responsibility of parents to censor what they allow their children to watch, read and listen to. Home is the first influence in our lives. We are a product of our environment and so is Hip-Hop.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

The Development Strategies Of Budget Hotels In China Marketing Essay

The Development Strategies Of Budget Hotels In China Marketing Essay With rapid economic growth in China, the Chinas tourism industry has entered a huge stage of development. Such as mass tourism, individual travel, business travel has increased. Related data show that in 2020 there will be the number of tourists from the world to could reach 300 billion people. The market share is highest. According to the huge data, here is a huge market demand for budget hotel industry. At present Chinas tourism industry already entered the large-scale travel stage. The travellers are willing to accept clean, cheap, basic-service hotels. In order to meet Chinas tourism and business needs, the new trend is development of the international level of budget hotels. Here are some typical Chinas budget hotel chain such as Home Inns, Jin Jiang Inns, and 7 days Inns. They are use chain business model adapt to the China tourism industrys needs, the development will bring new opportunities for the hotel industry. The advantages of the budget hotel are the operational model i s small, the low-cost investment required, and easily developing chain business-make the hotels have a brand, customers, quality management based on low-cost investment. But the industry will face challenges by many local and foreign hotel competitors appear in the industry. And the budget hotel industry is in the preliminary stage, the concept of budget hotel is unclear, no standard industry rules, carefully dividing a market, and the marketing strategy also need to be development. The budget hotel industry has to develop marketing strategy to seek the road of sustainable development. In this paper, marketing strategy of budget hotel in China is the object of this study. I will evaluate the current situation of budget hotels industry in china, and analyze the problems in the budget hotel development. I will describe the marketing strategy of the Home Inns case study, using their successful marketing strategy to identify appropriate development strategies for budget hotels industry in China. I will focus on the marketing strategy theory from my BBA programme to analyze the actual problems and the successful industry cases such as Home Inns that will provide a great guiding to Chinas budget hotel industry have a new development strategy. Orientation The overview of China budget hotel industry In China the budget hotels is still a new concept. In Europe and the United States, the budget hotels are quite mature industry. It is compared with the full-service hotels form. But there is no form definition for budget hotel. We can accord the characteristics of the budget hotel to define the budget hotels is as follows: limited facilities and services; aimed at the travelers and business travelers market; standardized operation; the price is low usually below in 300 RMB in China (Table 1); branded network of hotels; located on major road networks or in secondary urban locations such as retail parks. They are generally good quality, service standards, the comfortable environment and value for money bedrooms designed and marketed in such a way as to appeal to the travelling public and is a cost-effective modern hotel business (Jones, 2002). Table 1- The Published Room Price of Home Inns Budget Hotels Room Bed Price Standard 1F Double: 15m2  ¥227 Standard King size 1F King size: 15m2  ¥227 Standard ¼Ã‹â€ 2F-4F ¼Ã¢â‚¬ ° Double: 15m2  ¥265 Business ¼Ã‹â€ 2F-4F ¼Ã¢â‚¬ ° King size:15m2  ¥265 (Source: Home Inn website) According to the Chinese budget hotel industry report 2011-2012, I saw the Chinas budget hotel industry has a rapid increase in market share. In 2011, the Market size grew 45 percent year-on-year to RMB26 billion and the number of budget hotels grew by almost 42.85 percent to 7,314. The industry is still in the big but not strong stage. For the market share, the total revenue of hotels in China has a concentration ratio just 37 percent in 2011. In future completion progression, the fast market expansion mainly through franchise chains, mergers and acquisitions. (China budget hotel industry report, 2011-2012. 2012) Analyzing the current business portfolio of the China budget hotels may use the Boston Consulting Group Approach (BCG) to measure market share and growth of their business. Here is a high-share business units in low-growth market is called Cash Cow. They need to develop strategies for growth. The hotels need growth if they are to compete more effectively, more satisfy their customers, and attract more professional staffs. The purpose of strategic planning is to find ways in which the budget hotel industry can best use its strengths to take advantage of attractive opportunities in the environment of the China budget hotel industry. (Armstrong Kotler, 2007) SWOT Analysis A SWOT analysis is a useful tool to evaluate the businesss overall strengths (S), weaknesses (W), opportunities (O), and threats (T) (Table 2). It analyzes businesss markets and marketing environments and base objective to find attractive opportunities and identify environmental threats. The strengths and weaknesses are in the internal environment, and opportunities and threats are in the external environment. I will use this tool to analyze the current situation of the budget hotel industry strengths and weaknesses in the internal environment to determine which opportunities it is best. The goal is to match the industrys strengths to attractive opportunities, overcoming the weakness and minimizing the threats (Armstrong Kotler, 2007). The SWOT analysis can be very good response current situation of the industry. Strengths Internal capabilities that may help a company reach its objectives Weaknesses Internal limitations that may interfere with a companys ability to achieve its objectives Opportunities External factors that the company may be able to exploit to its advantage Threats Current and emerging external factors that may challenge the companys performanceTable 2-SWOT Analysis Internal External Positive Negative (Source: Text book Marketing: An Introduction, Figure 2.7) The strengths of China budget hotel business: Low cost investment: the cost of budget hotel is lower than other star hotels, the development is easy. Price advantage: the budget hotel can proved a lower price for good quality, service standards, the comfortable environment, and the bedrooms designed. Customer advantage: the low price of the budget hotels can better attract customers improving occupancy rates. Management advantages: budget hotel use chain business operation, it is easy to set up management model and adapt to market competition. Information advantages: easily set up their own network, customer service systems, and reservation system. Using modern technology can obtain more stable customer source. (Zhao Guo, 2006) The weaknesses of China budget hotel business: Huge numbers of budget hotels had flocked together in China. No standard competition model in the industry. Lack of clear market positioning Lack of standard management system Some budget hotels cheap equipment cannot meet the customers needs. (Meadin, 2010) The opportunities of China budget hotel business: There is a huge Market demand for growth in China. According the world tourism organization predict the worlds largest tourism country will be China in 2020. Now, the demand of the budget hotels increases along with the increase number of Chinese tourists and foreign tourists. (Meadin Website, 2010) Change of consumption idea and behavior. With the improvement of the living standard of Chinese people, the consumption idea and behavior began to improve. So there is a huge space for development. (Zhao Guo, 2006) The threats of China budget hotel business: There is so much competition for the China budget hotel industry. Foreign budget hotel into the Chinese market. And the brand of Chinese budget hotel continues to expand. There are a lot of potential competitors and substitute hotels. Crisis of confidence. Some budget hotel cannot meet the needs of customers such as cheap facilities, low service quality, and bad hotel operations. This made a negative impact for the budget hotel industry. Lack of professional human resource management. The rapid growth of budget hotel in China to make the lack of management model and professional staffs. (Zhao Guo, 2006) The features of China budget hotels The limitation of product: the core of the budget hotels is accommodation. They remove some unnecessary service to cut the cost. Quality of services and products: the budget hotels emphasize the comfortable of guest room facilities, clean and convenient environment, and service standards. Reasonable price of the budget hotels: the main target markets are tourists, students, business man etc. The price is usually below 300 RMB. (Table 1) Chain business operation: a lot of budget hotel use chain business model such as JinJiang Inns, Home Inns etc. This way can enhance brand value, expand business range. This is important difference between other star hotels. (Zhang, 2008) The problems of China budget hotel industry Lack of service standards The biggest problem of the budget hotel is no-standard service, poor facilities of some budget hotels, and difficult to meet the needs of the customers. Most of the budget hotels management does not reach the position, low service level, and the environment is not enough comfortable. Some budget hotel also operate old low-star hotel model. They are not professional for the budget hotels core of service. The definition of the budget hotel is safe, clean, providing basic life needs. The budget only is less investment and less supporting facilities. It is not to decrease the basic management of service quality. Budget hotels investment is less, but also need to have a standard rules and basic service quality and professional level. (Gao, 2009) Lack of brand awareness In China budget hotel industry, the brand awareness is not strong. Many of the budget hotels are individual operation that not build a scale business and brand effect. The development of individual operation by the price competition is negative for the development of the industry. The customers acknowledge of brand and choice of service brand gradually growth that has also become a kind of consumption habits. Now the most main competition is brand competition, if the hotels have not a brand image they will lose competitiveness power. Actively implement the brand strategy has become an important issue for the budget hotel management. At present, the most of the Chinas budget hotels did not build a scale business and also not use chain operation, except JinJiang Inns and Home Inns have brand and collectivization characteristic. There are few budget hotel create their own brand awareness. (Gao, 2009) Lack of professional human resource Lack of professional talents is a development bottleneck with the company size is continually expanding. The lack of professional talents can easily lead nonstandard service operation skills and poorly service quality. The team building and developing personnel sources from which to recruit potential employees is so important for the company development. The budget hotels need the employees who can handle a wider variety of responsibilities that training and developing managers is so important (Noe, Hollenbeck, Gerhar, Wright, 2009). The professional talent competition is so importance for budget hotel industry. In practice, the budget hotels are faced with the lack of professional talents. The human resources required of the budget hotels are one person who can on more jobs and more abilities manager but there is lack of human resource in the market. Therefore, the Chinas budget hotel industry will face the strong challenge from foreign brand and capital. Attracting talents and crea ting high quality management team is so important improvement for the China budget hotel industry. There only have the strong human resource development the budget hotel achieve the goals by service standard and operation standardization. (Gao, 2009) Difficult to build scale management The budget hotel industry is an emerging industry. Many owners dont have a lot of management experience. At the same time, the budget hotel both in size and in financial resources is limited. The development of the budget hotel industry is mainly at an individual operation situation, so the weak profits for owners and for customers is difficult to meet their requirements. The budget hotel industry need to change the management model is necessary. (Gao, 2009) No clear market segmentation In China many budget hotels do not have clear target market and or market segmentation that causes the market overlap or product design is not obvious difference so lack of different subdivided market demand for products and services. In China there have been no analyses on budget hotel clear division of products to meet different customers with customer demand for the industry. In foreign the budget hotel can be divided into three categories: full service hotel, budget hotel, and cheap hotel. The three levels of the price and the facilities is bigger difference. At present the product design of the Chinas budget hotel is single. There is no obvious difference of product and individuality characteristic. The different customers have different demand that reflected in product demand. There has a strong required for product differentiation. (Qiang, 2008) Research Methodology In this paper, I will use case study method. This project uses the Home Inns budget hotel in China. It is successful marketing strategy experience for the budget hotel market. And analyze the issues and current situation of the Chinas budget hotel industry. After analysis, I find some greatest marketing strategy for the industry help other hotels to find their own suitable development road. They have appropriate marketing strategies to compete with other competitors, and establish their own brand image. The main research contents: Introduction the research background and objectives, the structure of this project, and the significance of the research in this paper; Analysis of the current situation and business environment of the budget hotel industry, include the definition and characteristic of the budget hotel, and defining the problems of the budget hotel industry; Analysis of the marketing strategy of Home Inns, include the introduction of Home Inns and its successful marketing strategies. Reporting the findings, include develop the greatest marketing strategy for the budget hotel industry based on analysis of the Home Inns marketing strategy and the theory of marketing strategy. Data collection: I plan to gather information from the Primary data and secondary data. The secondary data has been collected include magazine, newspaper articles, books and internet articles or journals, and a thesis on a marketing strategy topic. The main data is based on the secondary data source. On the other hand, the primary data also been used include internal report and document from their owned Website of the companies. I also will collect some literature and theory based on my BBA courses include marketing management, strategy management, small business management, human resource management, and service operations management what factors help the budget hotel industry find the appropriate road to face the challenges and develop their own marketing strategies. Review of Literature Introduction of Home Inns In China, Home Inn was founded in 2002 that is the first budget hotel company for the 21st century. The vision of the company is wherever you go, you are always at home with professional and courteous service, comfortable rooms, convenient locations, and low prices that make attractive for leisure travelers and individual business who demand clean, comfortable and convenient environment of the budget hotel. Home Inn continues to rapidly expand its nationwide network of hotels. In November 2011, Home Inn launched a new hotel brand- Yitel for the middle-class and high-class market. They also completed the acquisition of an all ownership interest of Motel 168 hotel chain and have retained the Motel 168 brand in October 2011. In 2012, home Inns operated across 243 cities in China with a total of 1,682 hotels (Appendix-2). Their goal is to continue expanding to ensure whatever how large grows they will always keep the consistent quality and superior service that guide each hotel in the ho me Inns group (Overview of Home Inn, 2013). Home Inn is a largest budge hotel company in China with a 23.7% market share in 2012. (Appendix-3) The history of the Home Inn is Ji Qi one of Ctrip founders who founded a good business chance. Because Ji Qi noticed a lot of traveler complaints the price is so expensive of the hotels in the Ctrip Website. After some analysis and reaches he found in China the full-service star hotels is not economy and the cheap hotel is poorly quality. This opportunity let Ji Qi created a chain brand idea for the hospitality industry in China. So the Home Inns hotel brand is developed. (Ma Chen, 2008) Analysis of marketing strategy in Home Inns The brand of Home Inn hotel is rapid growth in a short period that has become a first budget hotel chain. Its successful management strategy will be used for other budget hotels in China. To subdivide the market segmentation The company must to divide the market segmentation to decide its clear market positioning strategy. The company designs the strategy to build the right relationships with the right customers. First the company need to identify a set of possible competitive advantages which to build a position, second step is company chooses the right competitive advantages, and last one step is the company selects an greatest positioning strategy. Then the company must to effectively communicate and deliver the chosen position to the market. Market positioning includes deciding how to best serve target customers and setting the competitive advantage for the company. Company positioning should be summarized in positioning statements that state the target segment, positioning concept, and specific points of difference. (Armstrong Kotler, 2007) The segment market will be the direction for Chinas budget hotel business in the future, said Ye Bingxi the senior public relations manager at Home Inns and hotel management Inc. (Wang, 2012) The market position of Home Inns is the middle and high-end business hotel for individual business and leisure travellers who need a comfortable and clean hotel room at right price, Home Inns is a good choice that allows you feel the warmth of your home. The market is more carefully segmented to target customers. The Home Inns provide basic living facilities, clean room, and the equipment is simple and reasonable for individual business and leisure travellers will get the comfortable, clean and safe hotel environment at the right price is around 200 RMB. The clear positioning is an important competitive advantage. The marketing positioning of Home Inns to highlight their own characteristic, such as the room design is very unique. The most direct impression of the Home Inns is warm, simple, and convenient. They deliver the unique products and service for customers best impression. (Su, Shen Zhong, 2009) To emphasize quality consistency The high quality also can mean high levels of quality consistency. Today many companies have turned customer-driven quality into a potent strategic power. Customer-centered companies define quality in terms of creating customer value and satisfaction. They want to create customer satisfaction and value that is necessary of consistently meeting customers needs (Armstrong Kotler, 2007). A good quality control is a system used by a manager to ensure that the finished services meet the needs of customers. Effective quality control is needed to set standards for the service quality range, measure actual performance, and compare that performance with established standards (Byrd Megginson, 2009). Attracting talents and building a high quality management team is so important for perform the established standards of the service quality and ensure the quality consistency. There is only the strong human resource development lead the budget hotel to achieve the goals by maintaining the service standard and operation standardization. For a chain business, the service quality control is so important. If you dont have a good standard of the hotel will not be able to assure the quality of the company brand. The Home Inns practice has great directed function. Standardized service is a huge challenge for budget hotel chains. Only the standardized service can help consistently service quality. The Home Inns have established an effective management system. There are external and internal factor. External factors include industry, product, service and marketing. Inside factor include human resources, management system and core competitiveness. The home inn have wrote standards and procedures have established their own service standards. The different departments and teams within our management work together to maintain strong internal control and strengthen focus on risk management. (Tang, 2007) To build strong brand In China mostly budget hotels are single business form, no scale formation without the brand. For a budget hotel the brand is powerful assets that must be carefully developed and managed. The strong brand provides a company with many competitive advantages can create big benefits. A powerful brand enjoys a high level of consumer brand awareness and loyalty. The brand exists in the minds of customers. The real value of a strong brand is its power to capture consumer preference and loyalty that expanding the market share. (Armstrong Kotler, 2007) The Home Inns created their own brand that direct represents the characteristic and culture of the business in the market. The well-known brand is based on the quality of the products and services that maximum to meet the needs of the consumers. Home Inns create their own brand mainly following several ways as: Fist, Home Inns on the brand name is fully considered the characteristic of the budget hotels. On the one hand, home reflects the warmth, comfortable, home feeling meet the customer psychological needs. On the other hand also reflects its convenient and expeditious such as quick reservation system, good traffic conditions customer can easily and quickly find Home Inns. Secondly, through the reasonable and rapid expanding, home Inns hotel chain in order to build the good image. Third, Home Inns more focus on the satisfaction of the brand. The Quality control always is in the expanded scale process. Survey of customer satisfaction is used to timely analyze the customers comments and opinions, and then plan the best solution strategy at the first time. Finally, in the information and technology society, Home Inns paid more attention to the promotion such as advertising and public relationship. Include print, radio, television, magazines etc. The building advertising is an important part in the Home Inns marketing and is also a modern communication to achieved good effect. The Home Inns hotel builds up a good corporate image in the industry. (Su, Shen Zhong, 2009) To perform the chain operation strategy The budget hotel industry has to use the chain operation value for the biggest value. Because the low price of the budget hotels they should be collectivization and chain operation way for obtain more market share and development space. The chain operation strategy has many advantages over independents. Home Inns is a leading economy hotel chain in Chain. Home Inn Company has clear market position, standardized service processes, daily operations management and supervision system can make a best chain forms. They also provide the strong financial support, and then the ideal chain brand is effectively created. Home Inns use regular chain and franchise chain to expand the market size and the numbers of the home inns hotel. There are nine service support for franchise business, such as brand support, sales support, engineering and maintenance, and chartered service, maintenance profit, standard manuals, training, hotel management and network technical support content to ensure the standard of service and replication, as well as the brand is effectively expand (Tang, 2007). By the end of 2010, Home Inns Company has a total of 674 hotels covering 121 cities in China. Under Home Inns chain mode, its total room number is 7,8231 (Appendix 4). Its average per hotel guest room number is 116. In 2010, annual average every hotel room revenue is RMB 144. Under the back ground of collectivization and standardized chain replication model, Home Inns budget brings a large scale chain like brand effect. (Baidu, 2013) Research Finding Home Inns success experiences maximum meet customers needs and the basic requirement such as convenient, comfortable, clean environment and through the brand strategy and chain strategy to realize the company development. Now here is some the development issues of the budget hotel industry in China such as no clear market segmentation and poor brand marketing. But with the rapid development of Chinese economy and the tourism industry, the demand of budget hotels become more and more strong in the market. There are some success marketing strategies for the industry from Home Inns. Differentiation strategy Differentiation strategy provides the budget hotel products and services that offer benefits different from other competitors. The aim is to achieve competitive advantage by offering better products or services at the same price. The success of a differentiation strategy is likely to be dependent on two key factors: identifying and understanding the strategic customer that focuses consideration on who the strategy is targeting; and identifying key competitors (Johnson, Scholes Whittington, 2008). In China most budget hotel is not clear on the market segmentation. The target market is single, no clear subdivision. Here the Homs Inns is good example for the industry they accord different age will be divided into the senior passenger market and youth passenger market segment, and also be divided according the occupation. So the budget hotel industry should accord the gender, income and other factors to design different budget hotel products and service to meet the needs of the consumers for obtaining the customers loyalty. At the same time, the features of the budget hotel are also important for the differentiation strategy. The budget hotels implement specialization strategy the characteristic factors to meet diversification of the consumer demand and required. They need to focus on the maintaining the general service characteristics such as economic, comfortable and convenient and at same time creating the significant personality characteristics such as new concept and new acc ommodation experience to attract consumers is the service extends to the spiritual aspects. For chain operation, each budget hotel has different regional resources and market conditions advantages that through the diversification reengineering will be make the best choice for the budget hotel chain management. (Huang, 2012) Actively promote Chain operation The chain operation is the main trend in the budget hotel industry. Home Inn is a biggest chain operation business in China. It is good to ensure the most important customers resources through the chain model. The business travelers will choose familiar brand when they need a hotel service in another city. So the key of the chain operation management is to open enough hotel stores in more and more city that keep the travelers can find themselves familiar brand in different cities. Fist, individual economic only have small profits, the budget hotel is difficult to obtain rapid development by single unit profit. The scale economy is consequentially development trend. Second, the hotel is in a specific space environment to the customer provide accommodation facilities and service industry. The hotel hardware facilities is fixed in the specific space so the single budget hotel sales has a larger space limitations, will seriously affect to attract customers. Now the consumers activity area presents a wide range feature. Single budget hotel only through chain operation to speed expand their business scale and through the scale business reduce transaction costs and management cost, and integration of internal resources, expand the brand influence, the market competition advantage can be achieved. The chain operation management is the necessary way for the budget hotel industry development in China. (zhao, 2007) Brand strategy Brand is the intangible assets of the budget hotel it can produce huge economic benefits. Brand strategy is very effective marketing strategy. Brand is the culture and the unique advantages of different budget hotels. Brand is like the life of the budget hotel chain operation management, because the brand can let customer best understand and feel the different characteristic with other budget hotels that enhance consumers loyalty and identity. The well-know brand also is so important for the chain operation management that is effective competitive advantage. (zhao, 2007) The budget hotels need to manage brands as assets calls for longer-term strategy, maintain and protect their brands image, associations, quality, and to prevent short-term actions. First, the brands positioning must be continuously communicated to consumers that create brand awareness and to build preference and loyalty. The customers loyalty depends on the longer-term brand experience about the budget hotels consistent quality services and products. The budget hotel quality brand mainly through the image features, the price, the accommodation, the service staffs, and the hardware facilities to the customers produce the first impression. So the budget hotel build their brand depend on the long-term quality management and effective marketing strategy. The budget hotel needs to pay more attention to improve their own quality, and to train its staffs for professional manager market that to help employees understand and be enthusiastic about the brand promise. (Armstrong Kotler, 2007) Service strategy Service strategy is so important for the service industry-budget hotel industry. The service is to satisfy the needs of their customers through the place, staffs, price, equipment, and communications that they can see. For example, the budget hotel room is tangible services to customers enjoy the intangible service such as clean, warmth, comfortable. The budget hotel need to improve the service quality to meet the customers demand let them really feel the value. Successful budget hotels focus their attention on both their customers and their employees. First they need to ensure the internal

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Information of Racial Intolerance :: Racial Intolerance Obscenity Society Essays

Information of Racial Intolerance Intolerance: There are several forms of intolerance but in this case I am referring to that of racial intolerance. Ideas on the subject: †¢ Racial intolerance is an unfair act done by many in the present time. †¢ It shows ignorance and arrogance in the person. †¢ You would think that after so many years and so many advances that today’s society would be able to look past racial differences. †¢ Racial intolerance affects everyone in the world no matter what race or ethnicity they pertain to simply because it is a clear threat to justice and equality everywhere. Changes that need to be made: †¢ To minimize the racial intolerance of today’s world I believe we first have to educate our children of the inhumanity and unnecessary that it brings into society and people everywhere. †¢ I also believe that those who have deep-based angers towards other races should consider looking into some sort of medical attention to trace their hatred and rectify it. †¢ Lastly we should all work together and instead of magnifying the acts of a few or the bad characteristics of some we should look at every race as a whole, acknowledge the good in all people, and acknowledge the possibility that one or a few persons do not determine an entire race. Melissa Serna October 18, 2000 Period: #2 AP English III It’s everywhere you look†¦ Obscenity, according to Webster is anything that is offensive to decency or lewd. Our society is filled with obscenities everywhere you turn, whether it is on television, in a novel, or even in a school. An obscenity can be almost anything, depending on whom it is that sees it, and what their personal standards of decency are. Obscenities can be found anywhere now a days. For example, obscenities can be found in a gory scene from a movie, or even in a movies sexual content. Some CD’s are classified with an â€Å"explicit lyrics† label, meaning they have some sort of indecent song lyrics.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Bathsheba and Farmer Boldwood Essay

How does Hardy present the idea ‘the pain of love’ in his depiction of the relationships between Bathsheba Everdene and Sergeant Troy, and Bathsheba and Farmer Boldwood? Thomas Hardy, born in 1840, divided his works into character and environment, romance and fantasies and novels of ingenuity, in which case Far from the Madding Crowd is in the first category. The original works were in the form of a series in the Cornhill magazine, which was so successful he was able to give up his job (as an architect) and devote his time entirely to writing. Hardy is known for his controversial novels such as Jude the Obscure, but his best work is the world renowned Far From the Madding Crowd, which expresses the journey of Bathsheba Everdene and her loyal farmer, Gabriel Oak, who encounter love but at the terrible price of death and despair. This, perhaps reflecting the tragic loss of his own wife in 1912, sixteen years before his own death, in 1928. Bathsheba and Sergeant Troy’s first meeting outside the Fir Plantation, Troy flirts and compliments Bathsheba, by taking more time then is necessary to untie the knot that binds them. Bathsheba, however she appears to be quite uncivilized towards him, â€Å"Thank you for the sight of such a beautiful face! He said. ‘Twas unwillingly shown† she replied, stiffly. This unkind manner attracts Troy to her and ignites a relationship between them, where Troy’s flirtatious and dishonest ways, already expressed in their first meeting, are destined to destroy it. Troy’s display of swordsmanship in Chapter 28, indicates another example of the pain of love, in which Bathsheba must sacrifice her own safety to be with Sergeant Troy. Though Bathsheba, at first, oblivious to her near death, due to her believing Troy’s lie that the sword was blunt. Though Bathsheba does not object to him kissing her at the end of the chapter, after being made aware of his dishonesty. The relationship of Bathsheba and Troy, already beginning to fail due to Troy’s insensitive and lying persona, is made no easier by Fanny’s part in their lives. Ironically, it was her mistake, which brought together Bathsheba and Troy in the first place, unintentionally, and, unknowingly aided in the downfall of Bathsheba and Troy’s relationship. For example, when Fanny meets Troy, though by accident, Troy tries to convince Bathsheba she is unknown to him, however Bathsheba begins to have doubts, especially after seeing a lock of hair in his watch, that was not hers. The argument that followed the discovery of the hair also lead to Troy leaving Bathsheba, to secretly meet with Fanny, and the next time she hears of Troy he is assumed dead. This expresses Hardy’s pain of love theory exactly, for Bathsheba who fell so quickly in love with Troy, and married him soon after, now expresses little feeling towards him leaving. For example, in chapter 48, `Bathsheba underwent the enlargement of her husband’s absence, from hours to days, with a slight feeling of surprise and relief, yet neither sensation rose †¦ `. Soon after the discovery of Troy’s apparent death, Boldwood immediately steps onto the scene to offer his hand in marriage. The first time Bathsheba saw Boldwood was at the market, however Boldwood did not pay attention to her presence, unlike all the other men. Bathsheba’s vanity, encouraged by Liddy, caused her to send a Valentine to Boldwood in the attempt to get him to notice her and partly as a joke, with the accidental seal of â€Å"Marry Me†. Boldwood, having received the Valentine, become besotted with Bathsheba and soon called on her to accept the invitation of marriage. Though the answer of course was not what he expected. â€Å"I didn’t know†¦ I ought never to have dreamt of sending that valentine – forgive me, sir – it was a wanton thing which no woman with any self respect should have done. If you will only pardon my thoughtlessness†¦ † Farmer Boldwood replied†¦ â€Å"No, no, no. Don’t say thoughtlessness! †¦ You torture me to say it was done out of thoughtlessness†¦ This outburst again shows the reader that Hardy can express the theme `the pain of love` so vividly. However, Boldwood does not stop and continues to express his want to have her. For example, â€Å"I may think of you? Yes, I suppose you may And hope to obtain you? No – do not hope! Let us go on†. This obsessiveness driven by the act of Bathsheba’s valentine proposes another effect of love. At the end of chapter 19, Hardy tells us that Boldwood is almost spellbound by Bathsheba and by her leaving, he comes out of this stupor, â€Å"like the pain of a wound†¦ † Another of Hardy’s pain of love themes. Boldwood’s appearances from then on are stopped due to the arrival of Troy, who Boldwood at once is jealous of and wishes to extract him from their (Bathsheba and Boldwood’s) lives. The deal he tries to accomplish with Troy is of course a failure, however it proposes that Boldwood would do (or should I say ‘pay’) so much to expel him, and further expand his relationship with Bathsheba. His love for her, the reader could interpret as, is almost insane and compulsive. This is perfectly described in Chapter 53, where Boldwood begins to talk to himself. â€Å"I hope to God she comes, or this night will be nothing but misery to me! O my darling, my darling, why do you keep me in suspense like this? † However that is not the most important part of the chapter because of course this is the climax to the whole story and the final effects that love can have on somebody. ‘A strange voice came from the fireplace – a voice sounding far off and confined, as if from a dungeon. Hardly a soul recognized the thin tones to be those of Boldwood. Sudden despair had transformed him. ‘ Boldwood, at the realization of the return of Troy, and the conclusion that Bathsheba cannot be his, had the devastating affect of forcing him to take action. In the form of a bullet. Aimed at Troy. His love for Bathsheba perhaps deluded him into it, showing that the pain of love has lead one man to his death and another to the noose. However we know that sentence was not carried out, life imprisonment instead, though in a way just as bad as the loss of life some could argue. Hardy is clearly well adept into conveying the pain of love as a theme, though not the main theme of the story. Hardy presents the idea of ‘the pain of love’ clearly in the two relationships that Bathsheba experiences, even in Oak’s relationship with Bathsheba, his offer of marriage is turned down, and not accepted till the end of the book. Bathsheba’s relationship with Troy and Boldwood differ quite drastically. Boldwood is the calm farmer enticed by Bathsheba, and driven to killing another man. Troy is the dashing sergeant who seduces Bathsheba and causes their marriage to disintegrate due to his lies and deceit. Bathsheba also reacts differently to the two men. To Boldwood she thinks she is not good enough for him, and is almost scared of his persistence- ‘She was frightened as well as agitated by his vehemence’ She also taken aback by Troy, ‘Ah! There was a time Frank, when it would have taken a good many promises to other people to drag you away from me. ‘ She also is now quite sad to be married, preferring the unmarried version of him when it was dashing swordplay and romantic courting and love. However it is not the case with the married Troy, â€Å"What do you regret? † He asked. â€Å"That my romance has come to an end†, she relied. The pain of love that the characters encounter, i. e. Boldwood’s hopeless love for Bathsheba, and Bathsheba’s own foolish love for Troy, and the final act leading to Troy’s (perhaps deserved) death, are all excellently and elaborately depicted by the most English of English novelists, in one of the most English of great English novels.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Environmental Problematic in essays

Environmental Problematic in essays Environmental Problematic vs. Industrial revolution The common Japanese expression, mizu ni nagasuliterally, "let it be washed away," or to settle a dispute by letting bygones be bygonesoriginated in the belief that any and all troubles can be purified by nature. ( Because Japan has always had a thriving and rich natural environment, Japanese people have for a long time taken this natural bounty for granted. In the late 1960s, however, environmental mayhem resulting from industrial pollution caused alarming damage to the people of Japan. For the first time, policy-makers and ordinary people alike began to recognize "the environment" as a problem... otherwise known as the environmental problematic. During the last thirty two years after the establishment of the Environment Agency in 1971, the environmental situation at the national and global levels has undergone substantial changes in Japan. At the national level, notable achievements have been made in combating severe pollution during the period of high economic growth. However, air pollution in major urban areas and water pollution caused by industrial expansion are some of the dynamics that continue to impose themselves as heavy factors in the environmental problematic. Increased severity of global issues such as depletion of the ozone layer and global warming are playing a national and political roll in defining state policy within Japan. This paper will describe some major environmental problems in Japan, several Japanese environmental policies, the process of implementing these policies, and how they are maintained through the Japanese political system. After the Second World War, Japan emerged as one of the three dominant players influencing the global environment and the direction of international environment protection. The structure of Japans industry has drastically changed over the last few decades w...

Monday, October 21, 2019

USS Ranger CV-4 World War II Aircraft Carrier

USS Ranger CV-4 World War II Aircraft Carrier USS Ranger (CV-4) Overview Nation: United StatesType: Aircraft CarrierShipyard: Newport News Shipbuilding Drydock CompanyLaid Down: September 26, 1931Launched: February 25, 1933Commissioned: June 4, 1934Fate: Scrapped Specifications Displacement: 14,576 tonsLength: 730 ft.Beam: 109 ft., 5 in.Draft: 22 ft., 4.875 in.Propulsion: 6 Ãâ€" boilers, 2 Ãâ€" Westinghouse geared steam turbines, 2 Ãâ€" shaftsSpeed: 29.3 knotsRange: 12,000 nautical miles at 15 knotsComplement: 2,461 men Armament 8 Ãâ€" 5 in./25 cal anti-aircraft guns40 Ãâ€" .50 in. machine guns Aircraft 76-86 aircraft Design Development In the 1920s, the US Navy commenced the construction of its first three aircraft carriers. These efforts, which produced USS Langley (CV-1), USS Lexington (CV-2), and USS Saratoga (CV-3), all involved the conversion of existing hulls into carriers. As work on these ships progressed, the US Navy began designing its first purpose-built carrier. These efforts were constrained by the limits imposed by the Washington Naval Treaty which capped both the size of individual ships and the total tonnage. With the completion of Lexington and Saratoga, the US Navy had 69,000 tons remaining which could be assigned to aircraft carriers.   As such, the US Navy intended for the new design to displace 13,800 tons per ship so that five carriers could be constructed. Despite these intentions, only one ship of the new class would actually be built.    Dubbed USS Ranger (CV-4), the new carriers name hearkened back to the sloop of war commanded by Commodore John Paul Jones during the American Revolution. Laid down at the Newport News Shipbuilding and Drydock Company on September 26, 1931, the carriers initial design called for an unobstructed flight deck with no island and six funnels, three to side, that were hinged to fold horizontally during air operations. Aircraft were housed below on a semi-open hangar deck and brought to the flight deck via three elevators. Though smaller than Lexington and Saratoga, Rangers purpose-built design led to an aircraft capacity that was only marginally less than its predecessors. The carriers reduced size did present certain challenges as its narrow hull required the use of geared turbines for propulsion.   As work on Ranger progressed, alterations to the design occurred including the addition of an island superstructure on the starboard side of the flight deck. The ships defensive armament consisted of eight 5-inch guns and forty .50-inch machine guns. Sliding down the ways on February 25, 1933, Ranger was sponsored by First Lady Lou H. Hoover. Over the next year, work continued and the carrier was completed. Commissioned on June 4, 1934 at the Norfolk Navy Yard with Captain Arthur L. Bristol in command, Ranger commenced shakedown exercises off the Virginia Capes before beginning air operations on June 21. The first landing on the new carrier was conducted by Lieutenant Commander A.C. Davis flying a Vought SBU-1. Further training for Rangers air group was conducted in August. Interwar Years Later in August, Ranger departed on an extended shakedown cruise to South America which included port calls at Rio de Janeiro, Buenos Aires, and Montevideo. Returning to Norfolk, VA, the carrier conducted operations locally before receiving orders for the Pacific in April 1935. Passing through the Panama Canal, Ranger arrived at San Diego, CA on the 15th. Remaining in the Pacific for the next four years, the carrier took part in fleet maneuvers and war games as far west as Hawaii and as far south as Callao, Peru while also experimenting with cold weather operations off Alaska. In January 1939, Ranger departed California and sailed for Guantanamo Bay, Cuba to participate in winter fleet maneuvers. With the completion of these exercises, it steamed to Norfolk where it arrived in late April. Operating along the East Coast through the summer of 1939, Ranger was assigned to the Neutrality Patrol that fall following the outbreak of World War II in Europe. The initial responsibility of this force was to track warlike operations of combatant forces in the Western Hemisphere. Patrolling between Bermuda and Argentia, Newfoundland, Rangers seakeeping ability was found lacking as it proved difficult to conduct operations in heavy weather. This issue had been identified earlier and helped contribute to the design of the later Yorktown-class carriers. Continuing with the Neutrality Patrol through 1940, the carriers air group was one of the first to receive the new Grumman F4F Wildcat fighter that December. In In late 1941, Ranger was returning to Norfolk from a patrol to Port-of-Spain, Trinidad when the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor on December 7. World War II Begins Departing Norfolk two weeks later, Ranger conducted a patrol of the South Atlantic before entering drydock in March 1942. Undergoing repairs, the carrier also received the new RCA CXAM-1 radar. Deemed too slow to keep up with newer carriers, such as USS Yorktown (CV-5) and USS Enterprise (CV-6), in Pacific, Ranger remained in the Atlantic to support operations against Germany. With the completion of repairs, Ranger sailed on April 22 to deliver a force of sixty-eight P-40 Warhawks to Accra, Gold Coast. Returning to Quonset Point, RI in late May, the carrier conducted a patrol to Argentia before delivering a second cargo of P-40s to Accra in July. Both shipments of P-40s were destined for China where they were to serve with the American Volunteer Group (Flying Tigers). With the completion of this mission, Ranger operated off Norfolk before joining four new Sangamon-class escort carriers (Sangamon, Suwannee, Chenango, and Santee) at Bermuda. Operation Torch Leading this carrier force, Ranger provided air superiority for the Operation Torch landings in Vichy-ruled French Morocco in November 1942. Early on November 8, Ranger began launching aircraft from a position approximately 30 miles northwest of Casablanca. While F4F Wildcats strafed Vichy airfields, SBD Dauntless dive bombers struck at Vichy naval vessels. In three days of operations, Ranger launched 496 sorties which resulted in the destruction of around 85 enemy aircraft (15 in the air, approx. 70 on the ground), the sinking of the battleship Jean Bart, severe damage to the destroyer leader Albatros, and attacks on the cruiser Primaugut. With the fall of Casablanca to American forces on November 11, the carrier departed for Norfolk the next day. Arriving, Ranger underwent an overhaul from December 16, 1942 to February 7, 1943. With the Home Fleet Departing the yard, Ranger carried a load of P-40s to Africa for use by the 58th Fighter Group before spending much of the summer of 1943 conducting pilot training off the New England coast. Crossing the Atlantic in late August, the carrier joined the British Home Fleet at Scapa Flow in the Orkney Islands. Putting out on October 2 as part of Operation Leader, Ranger and a combined Anglo-American force moved towards Norway with the goal of attacking German shipping around Vestfjorden. Avoiding detection, Ranger began launching aircraft on October 4. Striking a short time later, the aircraft sank two merchant vessels in Bodo roadstead and damaged several more. Though located by three German aircraft, the carriers combat air patrol downed two and chased off the third. A second strike succeeded in sinking a freighter and a smaller coastal vessel. Returning to Scapa Flow, Ranger commenced patrols to Iceland with the British Second Battle Squadron. These continued until late November when the carrier detached and sailed for Boston, MA. Later Career Too slow to operate with the fast carrier forces in the Pacific, Ranger was designated as a training carrier and ordered to operate out of Quonset Point on January 3, 1944. These duties were interrupted in April when it transported a cargo of P-38 Lightning to Casablanca. While in Morocco, it embarked several damaged aircraft as well as numerous passengers for transport to New York. After arriving in New York, Ranger steamed to Norfolk for an overhaul. Though Chief of Naval Operations Admiral Ernest King favored a massive overhaul to bring the carrier on par with its contemporaries, he was discouraged in following through by his staff who pointed out that the project would draw resources away from new construction. As a result, the project was limited to strengthening the flight deck, installation of new catapults, and improving the ships radar systems. With the completion of the overhaul, Ranger sailed for San Diego where it embarked Night Fighting Squadron 102 before pressing on to Pearl Harbor. From August to October, it conducted night carrier flight training operations in Hawaiian waters before returning to California to serve as a training carrier. Operating from San Diego, Ranger spent the remainder of the war training naval aviators off the California coast. With the end of the war in September, it transited the Panama Canal and made stops at New Orleans, LA, Pensacola, FL, and Norfolk before reaching the Philadelphia Naval Shipyard on November 19. After a brief overhaul, Ranger resumed operations on the East Coast until being decommissioned on October 18, 1946. The carrier was sold for scrap the following January. Selected Sources DANFS: USS Ranger (CV-4)Air Group 4: USS RangerMilitary Factory: USS Ranger (CV-4)

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Models of Health Behavior Essays

Models of Health Behavior Essays Models of Health Behavior Paper Models of Health Behavior Paper Note: If candidate uses incorrect formula: maximum 1/4 marks (for standard form) substitution into correct formula Note: If an error in subs and 4  ± ? 80 gets: and 6 states â€Å"no solution†: maximum 3/4 marks 4  ± 16 + 96 6 4  ± 112 = 6 2 ±2 7 = 3 = 2,43 or ? 1,10 112 If doesn’t conclude with â€Å"no solution†: maximum 2/4 marks 4  ± 112 or 6 decimal answer (4) Copyright reserved Mathematics/PI 3 NSC – Memorandum DBE/November 2011 OR 3x 2 ? 4 x = 8 3x 2 ? 4 x ? 8 = 0 x= = ? b  ± b ? 4ac 2a ? (? 4)  ± 2 (? 4)2 ? 4(3)(? 8) 2(3) Note: Penalise 1 mark for inaccurate rounding off to ANY number of decimal places if candidate gives decimal answers tandard form substitution into correct formula answer answer (4) = 2,43 or ? 1,10 1. 1. 3 4 x 2 + 1 ? 5x (4 x ? 1)(x ? 1) ? 0 + 0 1 4 x? OR 4 x 2 ? 5x + 1 ? 0 factors ? 0 1 + 1 4 1? ? OR ? ? ? ; ? ? [1; ? ) 4? ? 1 both critical 1 values of and 1 4 or OR ? answer (4) 1 or x ? 1 4 1 4 1 x OR 1 4 1 xNote: If candidate gives either of these correct graphical solutions but writes down the incorrect intervals or uses AND: max 3/4 marks NOTES: If a candidate gives an answer of 1 ? x ? If a candidate gives an answer of 1 then max 3/4 marks. 4 1 ? x ? 1 then max 2/4 marks. 4 1 If a candidate gives an answer of x ? nd x ? 1 then max 3/4 marks. 4 If the candidate leaves out the equality of the notation then penalty of 1 mark. 1 If a candidate gives an answer of x ? ; x ? 1 then max 3/4 marks. 4 1 If candidate gives x ? and/or x ? 1 , BREAKDOWN: max 2/4 marks. 4 If candidate gives : 0 ? 0 + + award 3/4 marks 1 1 4 Copyright reserved Please turn over Mathematics/PI 4 NSC – Memorandum DBE/November 2011 1. 2. 1 x 2 + 5 xy + 6 y 2 = 0 (x + 3 y )(x + 2 y ) = 0 x + 3y = 0 x = ? 3 y OR x = ? 3 y OR x + 2y = 0 x = ? 2 y x = ? 2 y Note: If a candidate gives x x ? = 3 or ? = 2 y y award 2/3 marks factors answers (3) Let k = y 2 x + 5 xy + 6 y 2 = 0 2 ?x? ?x? ? ? + 5? ? + 6 = 0 ? y? ? y? ? ? ? ? 2 k + 5k + 6 = 0 (k + 3)(k + 2) = 0 k = – 3 or k = – 2 x x = ? 3 or = ? 2 y y OR factors answers (3) x 2 + 5 xy + 6 y 2 = 0 x= x= ? 5 y  ± (5 y ) 2 ? 4(1)(6 y 2 ) 2(1) ? 5y  ± y2 2 ? 5y  ± y x= 2 x = ? 3 y x = ? 2 y or x x = ? 3 = ? 2 y y substitutes correctly into correct formula answers (3) OR x 2 + 5 xy + 6 y 2 = 0 ?5 x 2 + 5 xy + ? ?2 ? 5 ? y ? = ? 6 y 2 + ? ?2 ? 2 2 ? y? ? 2 5 ? 1 2 ? ? x + y? = y 2 ? 4 ? 5 1 x+ y= ± y 2 2 5 1 x=? y ± y 2 2 completing the square Copyright reservedPlease turn over Mathematics/PI x = ? 3 y x = ? 3 y x = ? y 5 NSC – Memorandum DBE/November 2011 answers (3) or x = ? 2 y OR Let k = x = ky x y x 2 + 5 xy + 6 y 2 = 0 (ky )2 + 5 y(ky ) + 6 y 2 = 0 k 2 y 2 + 5 y 2k + 6 y 2 = 0 y 2 k 2 + 5k + 6 = 0 ( (k ) 2 + 5k + 6 = 0 ) factors (k + 3)(k + 2) = 0 k = – 3 or k = – 2 x x = ? 3 or = ? 2 y y answers (3) Note: (x;y) = (0;0) is also a solution, but in this case OR x is undefined y Let y = 1 , x 2 + 5x + 6 = 0 (x + 2)(x + 3) = 0 x = ? 2 or x = ? 3 x x = ? 2 or = ? 3 y y x+ y =8 ? 3y + y = 8 ? 2y = 8 y = ? 4 x = 12 factors answers (3) x+ y =8 ? 2y + y = 8 ? y =8 y = ? 8 x = 16 1. 2. 2 OR substitution x = – 3y subs x = ? 2 y values both x values correct (5) OR 8? y = ? 3 y 8 ? y = ? 3 y 8 = ? 2 y y = ? 4 x = 12 Copyright reserved 8? y = ? 2 OR y 8 ? y = ? 2 y 8 = ? y y = ? 8 x = 16 x=8–y substitution y values both correct x values (5) Please turn over Mathematics/PI 6 NSC – Memorandum DBE/November 2011 OR x+ y =8 y =8? x x = ? 3 OR 8? x x = ? 3(8 ? x ) x = ? 24 + 3 x ? 2 x = ? 24 x = 12 y = ? 4 OR y =8? x x = ? 2 8? x x = ? 2(8 ? x ) x = ? 16 + 2 x ? x = ? 16 x = 16 y = ? 8 substitution x values correct both y values correct (5) (x + 2 y )(x + 3 y ) = 0 x+ y =8 x =8? y ( y + 8)(2 y + 8) = 0 y = ? 8 or y = ? 4 x = 16 x = 12 x =8? y ubstitution y values correct both x values correct (5) OR x = 8? y x = 8? y 2 (8 ? y ) 2 + 5(8 ? y ) y + 6 y = 0 64 ? 16 y + y 2 + 40 y ? 5 y 2 + 6 y 2 = 0 2 y 2 + 24 y + 64 = 0 y 2 + 12 y + 32 = 0 ( y + 8)( y + 4) = 0 y = ? 8 or y = ? 4 x = 16 x = 12 OR substitution factors both y values correct both x values correct (5) Copyright reserved Please turn over Mathematics/PI 7 NSC – Memorandum DBE/November 2011 OR x =8? y (8 ? y ) 2 + 5(8 ? y ) y + 6 y = 0 2 2 2 2 x = 8? y substitution 64 ? 16 y + y + 40 y ? 5 y + 6 y = 0 2 y 2 + 24 y + 64 = 0 y 2 + 12 y + 32 = 0 ? 12  ± 12 ? 4(1)(32) y= 2(1) 2 ? 12  ± 16 2 y = ? 8 or y = ? x = 16 x = 12 = Note: If a candidate uses the formula and replaces x for y and then answers are swapped: maximum 4/5 marks substitutes into correct formula both y values correct both x values correct (5) OR y =8? x x 2 + 5 x(8 ? x ) + 6(8 ? x )2 = 0 x + 40 x ? 5 x + 6 64 ? 16 x + x 2 x 2 ? 56 x + 384 = 0 x 2 ? 28 x + 192 = 0 (x ? 16)(x ? 12) = 0 x = 16 x = 12 or y = ? 8 y = ? 4 2 2 y =8? x 2 ( )= 0 substitution factors both x values correct both y values correct (5) OR y =8? x x + 5 x(8 ? x ) + 6 (8 ? x ) = 0 2 2 y =8? x substitution x + 40 x ? 5 x 2 2 + 6(64 ? 16 x + x ) = 0 2 2 x 2 ? 56 x + 384 = 0 x 2 ? 28 x + 192 = 0 x= = ? ? 28)  ± 28  ± 416 2 (? 28)2 ? 4(1)(192) 2(1) x = 12 x = 16 or y = ? 4 y = ? 8 substitutes into correct formula both x values correct both correct y values (5) [19] Please turn over Copyright reserved Mathematics/PI 8 NSC – Memorandum DBE/November 2011 QUESTION 2 2. 1. 1 x ? 4 = 32 ? x 2 x = 36 x = 18 T2 ? T1 = T3 ? T2 Note: If answer only: award 2/2 marks answer (2) a + 2d = 32 and a = 4 OR a=4 a + 2d = 32 2d = 28 d = 14 x = 14 + 4 x = 18 OR Note: If candidate writes x? 4 32 ? x only (i. e. omits equality) : 0/2 marks answer (2) substitutes correctly into arithmetic mean 4 + 32 formula i. e. 2 answers (2) T2 T3 = T1 T2 x= + 32 = 18 2 2. 1. 2 x 32 = 4 x x 2 = 128 x =  ± 128 x =  ±8 2 OR a=4 x r= 4 ? x? ar 2 = 4? ? ? 4? ? x? 32 = 4? ? ? 4? x 2 = 128 OR x =  ±11,31 OR x =  ± 2 2 7 Note: If candidate 32 x only writes 4 x (i. e. omits e quality) : 0/2 marks x 2 = 128 both answers (surd or decimal or exponential form) (3) Note: If only x = 128 then penalty 1 mark 2 2 2 ? x? 32 = 4? ? ? 4? 2 x = 128 x =  ± 128 x =  ±8 2 or x =  ±11,31 or x =  ± 2 2 7 both answers (surd or decimal or exponential form) (3) substitutes correctly into geometric mean formula i. e.  ± 4? 32 both answers (surd or decimal or exponential form) (3) Please turn over OR x =  ± 4 ? 32 =  ± 128 or x =  ±8 2 or x =  ±11,31 or x =  ± 2 2 7 Copyright reserved Mathematics/PI 9 NSC – Memorandum DBE/November 2011 2. 2 13 P = ? 3k ? 5 a = 3? 4 or +3 3? 5 =3 k =1 1? 5 +3 2? 5 + + 3 13 ? 5 = 3 ? 4 + 3 ? 3 + 3- 2 + + 38 3 ? 4 313 ? 1 = 3 ? 1 = 9841,49 Note: Correct answer only: 1/4 marks only 1 81 ( ) r =3 subs into correct formula or 9841 40 797161 or 81 81 answer (4) OR 13 P = ? 3k ? 5 k =1 1? 5 =3 + 32 ? 5 + 33 ? 5 + + 313 ? 5 2. 3 2 S n = [2a + (n ? 1)d ] + [2a + (n ? 1)d ] + + [2a + (n ? 1)d ] + [2a + (n ? 1)d ] = n[2a + (n ? 1)d ] Sn = n [2a + (n ? 1)d ] 2 S n = [a + (n ? 1)d ] + [a + (n ? 2)d ] + [a + d ] + a = 3 ? 4 + 3? 3 + 3- 2 + + 38 1 1 1 = + + + + 6561 81 27 9 40 797161 or = 9841,49 or 9841 81 81 S n = a + [a + d ] + [a + 2d ] + + [a + (n ? 2 )d ] + [a + (n ? 1)d ] Note: If the candidate rounds off and gets 9841,46 (i. e. correct to one decimal place): DO NOT penalise for the rounding off. expand the sum 13 terms in expansion answer (4) writing out Sn â€Å"reversing† Sn expressing 2Sn grouping to get 2 S n = n[2a + (n ? 1)d ] (4) writing out Sn â€Å"reversing† Sn expressing 2Sn grouping to get 2S n = n[a + a + (n ? 1)d ] (4) OR S n = a + [a + d ] + [a + 2d ] + + (Tn ? d ) + Tn S n = Tn + (Tn ? d ) + [a + d ] + a = n[a + a + (n ? 1)d ] = [2a + (n ? 1)d ] Sn = n [2a + (n ? 1)d ] 2 2 S n = a + Tn + a + Tn + a + Tn + + a + Tn Note: If a candidate uses a circular argument (eg S n +1 = S n + Tn ): max 1/4 marks (for writing out Sn) Note: If a candidate uses a specific linear sequence, then NO marks. [13] Copyright reserved Please turn over Mathematics/PI 10 NSC – Memorandum DBE/November 2011 QUESTION 3 3. 1 21; 24 Note: If candidate writes T8 = 21 T7 = 24 : award 1/2 marks 21 24 (2) 3. 2 T2 k = 3. 2 k ? 1 and so T52 = 3. 2 26 ? 1 = 100663296 Note: If candidate writes out all 52 terms and gets correct answer: award 5/5 marks . 2 k ? 1 T52 6k ? 3 T51 T2k ? 1 = 3 + 6(k ? 1) = 6k ? 3 and so T51 = 6(26) ? 3 = 153 T52 ? T51 = 100663296 ? 153 = 100663143 answer Note: If candidate used k = 52: max 2/5 Note: if candidate interchanges order i. e. does T51 ? T52 : max 4/5 marks Note: writes out all 52 terms and subtracts T51 ? T52 : max 4/5 marks (5) OR Consider sequence P: 3 ; 6 ; 12 †¦ Pn = 3. 2 n? 1 P26 = 3. 2 26 ? 1 = 100663296 Consider sequence Q: 3 ; 9 ; 15 †¦ Qn = 6n ? 3 Q26 = 6(26) ? 3 = 153 T52 ? T51 = P26 ? Q26 = 100663296 ? 153 = 100663143 Pn = 3. 2 n? 1 P26 Qn = 6n ? 3 Q26 answer (5) Copyright reserved Please turn over Mathematics/PI 1 NSC – Memorandum DBE/November 2011 3. 3 For all n ? N , n = 2k or n = 2k ? 1 for some k ? N If n = 2k : Tn = T2k = 3. 2 k ? 1 If n = 2k ? 1 : Tn = T2k ? 1 = 6k ? 3 = 3(2k ? 1) factors 3. 2 k ? 1 Note: If a candidate only illustrates divisibility by 3 with a specific finite part of the sequence, not the general term: 0/2 marks factors 3(2k ? 1) (2) In either case, Tn has a factor of 3, so is divisible by 3. OR Pn = 3. 2 n ? 1 Which is a multiple of 3 Qn = 6 n ? 3 = 3(2n ? 1) Which is also a multiple of 3 Since Tn = Q2 k ? 1 or Tn = P2 k for all n ? N , Tn is always divisible by 3 OR factors 3. 2 n ? 1 factors 3(2n ? 1) (2)The odd terms are odd multiples of 3 and the even terms are 3 times a power of 2. This means that all the terms are multiples of 3 and are therefore divisible by 3. odd multiples of 3 3 times a power of 2 (2) [9] Copyright reserved Please turn over Mathematics/PI 12 NSC – Memorandum DBE/November 2011 QUESTION 4 4. 1 The second, third, fourth and fift h terms are 1 ; – 6 ; T4 and – 14 First differences are: – 7 ; T4 + 6 ; – 14 – T4 So T4 + 6 + 7= – 14 – 2T4 – 6 T4 = – 11 d = – 11 + 6 + 7 = 2 or – 14 + 22 – 6 = 2 Note: Answer only (i. e. d = 2) with no working: 3 marks Note: Candidate gives T4 = ? 11 and d = 2 only: award 5/5 marks 7 T4 + 6 – 14 – T4 setting up equation T5 ? T2 = (T5 ? T4 ) + (T4 ? T3 ) + (T3 ? T2 ) answer (5) –7 –7+d – 7 + 2d setting up equation T5 ? T2 = (T5 ? T4 ) + (T4 ? T3 ) + (T3 ? T2 ) OR T2 1 -7 T3 -6 -7+d d T4 -7+2d d T5 -14 T5 ? T2 = (T5 ? T4 ) + (T4 ? T3 ) + (T3 ? T2 ) ? 15 = (? 7 + 2d ) + (? 7 + d ) + ? 7 ? 15 = ? 21 + 3d 6 = 3d d =2 Note: Candidate uses trial and error and shows this: award 5/5 marks answer (5) OR 4a + 2b + c = 1 9a + 3b + c = ? 6 5a + b = ? 7 25a + 5b + c = ? 14 16a + 2b = ? 8 10a + 2b = ? 14 6a = 6 a =1 d = 2a = 2 4a + 2b + c = 1 9a + 3b + c = ? 6 25a + 5b + c = ? 1 4 solved simultaneously answer (5) ORT1 1 – T1 T1 8 1 -7 T4+13 -6 T4+6 -20-2 T4 -14 T4 -14 T4 –7 T4 + 6 ? 14 ? T4 setting up equation answer (5) Please turn over T4 + 13 = ? 20 ? 2T4 3T4 = ? 33 T4 = ? 11 d = ? 11 + 13 d =2 Copyright reserved Mathematics/PI 13 NSC – Memorandum DBE/November 2011 OR T1 x 1–x -8+x T2 1 -7 y +13 T3 -6 y+6 20 – 2y T4 y -14 y T5 -14 –7 y+6 ? 14 ? y y + 13 = ? 20 ? 2 y 3 y = ? 33 y = ? 11 Second difference = y + 13 = ? 11 + 13 = 2 4. 2 T1 1 –6 -9 2 -7 Note: Answer only: award 2/2 marks Note: If incorrect d in 4. 1, 2/2 CA marks for T1 = d + 8 (since 1 ? T1 = ? 7 ? d ) setting up equation answer (5) method T1 = 10 (2) T1 = 10 OR =1 5a + b = ? 7 5(1) + b = ? 7 b = ? 12 a +b+c =1 4(1) + 2(? 12) + c = 1 c = 21 Tn = n 2 ? 12n + 21 T1 = (1) 2 ? 12(1) + 21 = 10 OR method T1 = 10 (2) T4 + 13 = ? 8 + T1 ? 11 + 13 = ? 8 + T1 T1 = 10 y + 13 = ? 8 + x method T1 = 10 (2) [7] OR ? 11 + 13 = ? 8 + x x = 10 Copyright res erved Please turn over Mathematics/PI 14 NSC – Memorandum DBE/November 2011 QUESTION 5 5. 1. 1 y = f (0) ? 6 = ? 1 0? 3 =1 (0 ; 1) OR ?6 ? 1 x? 3 ? 6 1= x? 3 x ? 3 = ? 6 0= x = ? 3 (? 3 ; 0) x = 0 and y = 1 5. 1. 2 Note: Mark 5. 1. 1 and 5. 1. 2 as a single question. If the intercepts are interchanged: max 3/5 marks y =1 x=0 (2) y=0 x ? 3 = ? 6 nswer (3) shape y 5. 1. 3 Note: The graph must tend towards the asymptotes in order to be awarded the shape mark (? 3; 0) (0 ; 1) 0 3 x y = ? 1 ?1 x=3 both intercepts correct horizontal asymptote vertical asymptote (4) Note: A candidate who draws only one ‘arm’ of the hyperbola loses the ‘shape’ mark i. e. max 3/4 marks 5. 1. 4 ? 3 lt; x lt; 3 OR (? 3; 3) OR ? 3 lt; x and x lt; 3 Note: if candidate writes ? 3 lt; x only: 1/2 marks Note: if candidate writes x lt; 3 only: 1/2 marks ?3 and 3 inequality OR interval notation (2) Copyright reserved Please turn over Mathematics/PI 15 NSC – Memorandum DBE/Novem ber 2011 5. 1. y= ?6 ? 1 ? 2? 3 1 = 5 1? 1 5 1 5 m= 0 ? (? 2) 2 = 5 formula substitution answer (4) OR m= = f (0) ? f (? 2) 0 ? (? 2) 1? 1 5 formula f (? 2) = 1 5 0+2 2 = 5 b lt; 0 since b lt; 0 and a lt; 0 2a y x substitution answer (4) y-intercept negative turning point on the x axis turning point on the left of the y axis maximum TP and quadratic shape 5. 2 x=? 0 (4) [19] Copyright reserved Please turn over Mathematics/PI 16 NSC – Memorandum y DBE/November 2011 QUESTION 6 f C(0 ; 4,5) g x O A B 6. 1 0 = 2x ? 8 8 = 2x 23 = 2 x x=3 A(3 ; 0) f (0) = 2 0 ? 8 = 1? 8 = ? 7 B(0 ; –7) Note: no CA marks Note: answer only: award 2/2 marks =0 answer for A x=0 answer for B (4) answer (1) 6. 2 6. 3 y = ? 8 OR y + 8 = 0 h( x ) = f ( 2 x ) + 8 = 22x ? 8 + 8 ( ) (2 2 x ? 8) answer of h( x ) = 4 x or 2 2 x (2) = 4 x or 2 2 x 6. 4 x = 4y y = log 4 x OR x = 22 y 2 y = log 2 x 1 y = log 2 x OR y = log 2 x 2 Note: answer only award 2/2 marks Note: candidate works out f -1 and gets y = l og 2 ( x + 8) award 1/2 marks log x OR y = log 4 switch x and y answer in the form y =†¦ (2) 6. 5 p ( x) = ? log 4 x OR p( x) = log 1 x 4 answer (1) OR p ( x) = log 4 OR 1 x OR 1 p( x) = ? log 2 x 2 y = ? log 2 x Copyright reserved Please turn over Mathematics/PI 17 NSC – Memorandum 5 DBE/November 2011 . 6 ? g (k ) ? ? g (k ) = g (0) + g (1) + g (2) + g (3) ? g (4) ? g (5) x = 3 is the axis of symmetry of g ? by symmetry g (2) = g (4) and g (1) = g (5) Answer = g (0) + g (3) = 4,5 + 0 = 4,5 OR k =0 k =4 3 = g (0) + g (1) + g (2) + g (3) ? g (4) ? g (5) g (2) = g (4) and g (1) = g (5) g (0) + g (3) answer (4) ? g (k ) ? ? g (k ) ? g (k ) = g (0) + g (1) + g (2) + g (3) ? g (k ) = g (4) + g (5) k =4 k =0 5 3 5 expansion k =0 3 k =4 x = 3 is the axis of symmetry of g ? by symmetry g (4) = g (2) g (5) = g (1) k =0 g (2) = g (4) and g (1) = g (5) ? g (k ) ? ? g (k ) k =4 3 5 = g (0) + g (3) = 4,5 + 0 = 4,5 OR g (0) + g (3) answer (4) ( x) = a( x ? 3) + 0 2 4,5 = a(0 ? 3) 2 + 0 4,5 = 9a 1 a= 2 1 2 g ( x) = ( x ? 3) 2 k =0 3 k =0 g ( x) = 1 (x ? 3)2 2 ? g (k ) ? ? g (k ) k =4 3 5 ? g (k ) = g (0) + g (1) + g (2) + g (3) = 4,5 + 2 + 0,5 + 0 =7 expansion Copyright reserved Please turn over Mathematics/PI 18 NSC – Memorandum DBE/November 2011 k =4 ? g (k ) = g (4) + g (5) = 0,5 + 2 = 2,5 ? g (k ) ? ? g (k ) k =4 3 5 5 k =0 = 7 ? 2,5 = 4,5 7 ? 2,5 answer (4) OR g ( x) = ax 2 + bx + c g (k ) = ak 2 + bk + c g (0) = c g (1) = a + b + c g (2) = 4a + 2b + c g (3) = 9a + 3b + c k =0 ? g (k ) = 14a + 6b + 4c 3 g (4) = 16a + 4b + c ? g (k ) = 41a + 9b + 2c 5 5 (5) = 25a + 9b + c k =4 3 k =0 ? g (k ) ? ? g (k ) = ? 27a ? 3b + 2c k =4 ? 27 a ? 3b + 2c g ( x) = a ( x ? 3)2 + 0 4,5 = a (0 ? 3) 2 + 0 4,5 = 9a 1 2 1 g ( x) = ( x ? 3)2 2 1 2 9 = x ? 3x + 2 2 a= k =0 ? g (k ) ? ? g (k ) = ? 27 a ? 3b + 2c k =4 3 5 g ( x) = 1 (x ? 3)2 2 ?9? ?1? = ? 27? ? ? 3(? 3) + 2? ? ? 2? ?2? = 4,5 answer (4) [14] Copyright reserved Please turn over Mathematics/PI 19 NSC – M emorandum DBE/November 2011 QUESTION 7 7. 1 A = P(1 ? i ) P n = P(1 ? 0,07 ) 2 1 = 0,93n 2 1 log = n log 0,93 2 1 log 2 n= log 0,93 = 9,55 years n OR A = P(1 ? i )n P = P(1 ? 0,07 )n 2 1 = 0,93 n 2 1 log 0,93 = n 2 n = 9,55 yearsP 2 subs into correct formula A= log answer (4) Note: If candidate uses incorrect formula: max 1/4 marks P for A = 2 Note: If candidate interchanges A and P A i. e. uses P = : max 2/4 marks 2 Copyright reserved Please turn over Mathematics/PI 20 NSC – Memorandum DBE/November 2011 7. 2 Radesh: A = P(1 + in ) = 8 550 Bonus = 0,05 ? 6 000 = 300 = 6 000(1 + 0,085 ? 5) A = 6 000 + 8,5% of 6000 ? 5 OR = 6000 + 510 ? 5 = 6000 + 2550 = 8 550 8 550 Received = 8 550 + 300 = R 8 850 Thandi: n A = P(1 + i ) R8 850 ? 0,08 ? = 6 000? 1 + ? 4 ? ? = R 8 915,68 20 n = 20 0,08 i= 4 answer choice made (6) 0,15 1 or or 0,0125 12 80 n = 18 n = 18 7. 3Thandis investment is bigger. Fv = initial deposit with interest + annuity ? ? ? 0,15 ? 18 ? ?1 + ? ? 1? 18 ? 12 ? ? 0,15 ? = 1 000? 1 + ? + 700? ? 0,15 12 ? ? ? ? ? ? 12 ? ? = 1 250,58 + 14 032,33 = R15 282,91 i= OR ? 0,15 ? 1 000? 1 + ? 12 ? ? ? ? 0,15 ? 18 ? ? ? 1 + ? ?1? ? 12 ? 700? ? 0,15 ? ? ? ? 12 ? ? answer (6) 18 Fv = initial deposit with interest + annuity ?18 ? ? ? ? 1 ? ?1 + 0,15 ? ? ? 18 18 ? ? 0. 15 ? 0,15 ? 12 ? ? = 1 000? 1 + ? ? + 700? 1 + 0,15 12 ? 12 ? ? ? ? ? 12 ? ? 0,15 1 or or 0,0125 12 80 n = 18 n = 18 i= 0. 15 ? ? = 1 250,58 + 11220,68? 1 + ? 12 ? ? = 1 250,58 + 14 032,33 = R15 282,91 Copyright reserved 8 ? 0,15 ? 1 000? 1 + ? 12 ? ? ?18 ? ? ? 1 ? ?1 + 0,15 ? ? ? ? 12 ? 700? 0,15 ? ? 12 ? 18 ? ? 18 0. 15 ? ? 1 + 12 ? ? ? answer (6) Please turn over Mathematics/PI 21 NSC – Memorandum DBE/November 2011 OR ? ? 0,15 ? 19 ? ? ? 1 + ? ?1? 18 ? 12 ? ? 0,15 ? Fv = 300? 1 + ? + 700? ? 0,15 12 ? ? ? ? ? ? 12 ? ? = 375,17 + 14 907,74 = R15 282,91 0,15 1 or or 0,0125 80 12 n = 19 (corresponding to 700) n = 18 (corresponding to 300) i= ? 0,15 ? 300? 1 + ? 12 ? ? ? ? 0,15 ? 19 ? ? ? 1 + ? ?1? 12 ? ? 700? ? 0,15 ? ? ? ? 12 ? ? answer (6) [16] 18 QUESTION 8 8. 1 f ? ( x ) = lim = lim f (x + h ) ? f (x ) h h;0 ? 4( x + h )2 ? 4 x 2 h h;0 ( ) Note: Incorrect notation: formula substitution expansion = lim = lim ? 4 x 2 + 2 xh + h 2 + 4 x 2 h h;0 ? 4 x 2 ? 8 xh ? 4h 2 + 4 x 2 h h;0 ( ) no lim written: penalty 2 marks lim written before equals sign: penalty 1 mark Note: A candidate who gives –8x only: 0/5 marks Note: A candidate who omits brackets in the line lim (? 8 x ? 4h ) : h ;0 ? 8 xh ? 4h 2 = lim h h;0 h(? 8 x ? 4h ) = lim h h;0 = lim (? 8 x ? 4h ) h;0 ? 8 x ? 4h answer (5) = ? 8 x NO penalty OR Copyright reserved Please turn over Mathematics/PI 22 NSC – Memorandum DBE/November 2011 f ( x ) = ? 4 x 2 f ( x + h) = ? 4( x + h) 2 = ? 4 x 2 ? xh ? 4h 2 f ( x + h) ? f ( x) = ? 8 xh ? 4h 2 ? 8 xh ? 4h 2 f ? ( x) = lim h h;0 h ( ? 8 x ? 4 h ) = lim h h;0 = lim (? 8 x ? 4h) h;0 substitution expansion formula ? 8 x ? 4h = ? 8 x 8. 2. 1 y= 3 x2 ? 2x 2 3 1 = x ? 1 ? x 2 2 2 answer (5) 3 ? 1 x 2 ? Note: Incorrect notation in 8. 2. 1 and/or 8. 2. 2: Penalise 1 mark 3 dy = ? x ? 2 ? x 2 dx 3 =? 2 ? x 2x 8. 2. 2 f ( x) = (7 x + 1) 2 3 ? 2 x 2 (3) ?x = 49 x 2 + 14 x + 1 f ? ( x) = 98 x + 14 f ? (1) = 98(1) + 14 = 112 multiplication 98 x 14 answer (4) OR f ( x) = (7 x + 1) 2 f ? ( x) = 2(7 x + 1)(7 ) By the chain rule . f ? ( x) = 98 x + 14 f ? (1) = 98(1) + 14 = 112 hain rule answer (4) [12] Copyright reserved Please turn over Mathematics/PI 23 NSC – Memorandum DBE/November 2011 QUESTION 9 9. 1 f ( x ) = ? 2 x 3 + ax 2 + bx + c f ? ( x ) = ? 6 x 2 + 2ax + b = ? 6( x ? 5)( x ? 2) = ? 6 x 2 ? 7 x + 10 ( ) = ? 6 x 2 + 42 x ? 60 2a = 42 a = 21 b = ? 60 f (5) = ? 2(5) + 21(5) ? 60(5) + c 3 2 Note: A candidate who substitutes the values of a, b and c and then checks (by substitution) that T (2; ? 9 ) and S (5;18) lie on the curve: award max 2/7 marks f ? ( x ) = ? 6 x 2 + 2ax + b ? 6( x ? 5)( x ? 2 ) b= –60 2a = 42 f (2) = ? 2(2) + 21(2) ? 60(2) + c OR ? 9 = ? 52 + c c = 43 3 2 18 = ? 5 + c c = 43 subs (5 ; 18) or (2 ; -9) c = 43 (7) Note: A candidate who substitutes the values of a, b and c into the a = 21 ; b = ? 60 ; c = 43 function i. e. gets f ( x) = ? 2 x 3 ? 21x 2 ? 60 x + 43 and then shows by substitution that T (2; ? 9 ) and S (5;18) are on the curve and works out the derivative i. e. gets f ? ( x ) = ? 6 x 2 ? 42 x ? 60 and shows (by substitution into the derivative) that the turning points are at x = 2 and x = 5 (assuming what s/he sets out to prove and proving what is given): award max 4/7 marks as follows: x = 2 from f ? ( x ) = 0 OR subs x = 2 into the derivative and gets 0 x = 5 from f ? x ) = 0 OR subs x = 5 into the derivative and gets 0 substitution of x = 2 in f and gets – 9 substitution of x = 5 in f and gets 18 f ? ( x ) = ? 6 x 2 + 2ax + b f ? (2) = 0 f ? (5) = 0 6a = 126 OR f ? ( x ) = ? 6 x 2 + 2ax + b f ? (2) = ? 6(2) + 2a (2) + b 0 = ? 24 + 4a + b 2 b = 24 ? 4a f ? (5) = ? 6(5) 2 + 2a (5) + b 0 = ? 150 + 10a + b 0 = ? 150 + 10a + (24 ? 4a) 0 = ? 126 + 6a 6a = 126 a = 21 b = ? 60 f (5) = ? 2(5) + 21(5) ? 60(5) + c 3 2 Note: If derivative equal to zero is not written: penalize once only b = – 60 f (2) = ? 2(2) + 21(2) ? 60(2) + c 3 2 subs (5 ; 18) or (2 ; -9) c = 43 (7) Please turn over 18 = ? 25 + c c = 43Copyright reserved a = 21 ; b = ? 60 ; c = 43 OR ? 9 = ? 52 + c c = 43 Mathematics/PI 24 NSC – Memorandum DBE/November 2011 OR f (2) = ? 9 i. e. ? 16 + 4a + 2b + c = ? 9 4a + 2b + c = 7 f (5) = 18 i. e. ? 250 + 25a + 5b + c = 18 25a + 5b + c = 268 21a + 3b = 261 f ? (5) = 0 f ? ( x ) = ? 6 x 2 + 2ax + b and f ? (2 ) = 0 OR 4a + b = 24 10a + b = 150 ? 16 + 4a + 2b + c = ? 9 and ? 250 + 25a + 5b + c = 18 f ? ( x ) = ? 6 x 2 + 2ax + b f ? (2) = 0 or f ? (5) = 0 12a + 3b = 72 9a = 189 189 9 a = 21 a= 12(21) + 3b = 72 3b = ? 180 b = ? 60 4(21) + 2(? 60 ) + c = 7 c = 43 4a + 2b + c = 7 OR 30a + 3b = 450 9a = 189 189 a= 9 a = 21 9a = 189 b = – 60 5a + 5b + c = 268 c = 43 subs (5 ; 18) or (2 ; -9) c = 43 (7) subs f ? (1) m tan = ? 24 f(1) = 2 f ? ( x) = ? 6 x + 42 x ? 60 2 OR 25(21) + 5(? 60 ) + c = 268 9. 2 f ? ( x) = ? 6 x + 42 x ? 60 2 m tan = ? 6(1) + 42(1) ? 60 2 = ? 24 3 2 f (1) = ? 2(1) + 21(1) ? 60(1) + 43 =2 Point of contact is (1 ; 2) y ? 2 = ? 24( x ? 1) y = ? 24 x + 26 9. 3 f ? ( x) = ? 6 x + 42 x ? 60 f ( x) = ? 12 x + 42 2 OR y = ? 24 x + c 2 = ? 24(1) + c c = 26 y = ? 24 x + 26 y ? 2 = ? 24( x ? 1) OR y = ? 24 x + 26 f ( x ) = ? 12 x + 42 (5) 0 = ? 12 x + 42 x= 7 2 x= 7 2 (2) OR 2+5 x= 2 Please turn over Copyright reserved Mathematics/PI 25 NSC – MemorandumDBE/November 2011 2+5 2 7 x= 2 OR ? 21 x= 3(? 2 ) 7 = 2 x= QUESTION 10 y x= 7 2 (2) x= ? 21 3(? 2 ) 7 x= 2 (2) [14] ?4 0 1 x y = f /(x) 10. 1 x-value of turning point: ? 4 +1 x= 2 3 =? 2 3 ? 3 ? ?x ;gt; ? OR ? x ? ? ? ; ? ? 2 ? 2 ? f has a local minimum at x = ? 4 because: (1; y) f ? 4 xgt;? 3 ? 3 ? OR ? ? ; ? ? 2 ? 2 ? (1) 10. 2 x=†“4 graph (3) f 1 –4 OR f ( x) lt; 0 for x lt; ? 4 , so f is decreasing for x lt; ? 4 . f / ( x) gt; 0 for ? 4 lt; x lt; 1 , so f is increasing for ? 4 lt; x lt; 1 . / i. e. –4 OR Copyright reserved ? f has a local minimum at x = ? 4 x=–4 f / ( x) lt; 0 for x lt; ? 4 f / ( x) gt; 0 for ? lt; x 0 so graph is concave up at x = – 4, so f has a local minimum at x = – 4. x=–4 gradient negative for x lt; ? 4 gradient positive for ? 4 lt; x lt; 1 (3) f ? (? 4) = 0 f (? 4) gt; 0 x=–4 (3) [4] QUESTION 11 11. 1 11. 2 V (0) = 100 ? 4(0) = 100 litres Rate in – rate out = 5 – k l / min answer (1) 5–k –4 units stated once 5 ? k = ? 4 k=9 V ? (t ) = ? 4 l / min 11. 3 5 ? k = ? 4 k = 9 l / min OR (3) (2) Note: Answer only: award 2/2 marks Volume at any time t = initial volume + incoming total – outgoing total 100 + 5t ? kt = 100 ? 4t 5t ? kt = ? 4t 9t ? kt = 0 t (9 ? k ) = 0 At 1 minute from start, t = 1, 9 â€⠀œ k = 0, so k = 9 OR 00 + 5t ? kt = 100 ? 4t k=9 (2) dV = ? 4 , the volume of water in the tank is decreasing by 4 dt litres every minute. So k is greater than 5 by 4, that is, k = 9. Since k=9 (2) [6] Copyright reserved Please turn over Mathematics/PI 27 NSC – Memorandum DBE/November 2011 QUESTION 12 Note: If the wrong inequality 50x + 25y ? 500 is used, candidate wrongly says that there are more learners than available seats. Maximum of 10 marks. 12. 1 x, y ? N x + y ? 15 50 x + 25 y ? 500 y? 8 y ? ? x + 15 OR y ? ?2 x + 20 y? 8 Note: for the inequality’s marks to be awarded, the LHS and the RHS must be correctNote: If candidate gives 50 x + 25 y = 500 : max 5/6 marks x + y ? 15 y ? 8 50 x + 25 y ? 500 (6) 12. 2 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 y x + y ? 15 50 x + 25 y ? 500 y? 8 feasible region (4) Blue buses x 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Red buses 12. 3 12. 4. 1 C = 600 x + 300 y (6 ; 8) ; (7 ; 6) ; (8 ; 4) ; (9 ; 2) and (10 ; 0) NOTE: The gradient of the search line is m = ? answer 2 1 (1) 3 marks for all correct solutions 2 marks if only 3 or 4 correct solutions 1 mark if only 1 or 2 correct solutions (3) subs answer (2) 2. 4. 2 12. 5 C = 6(600) + 8(300) = R 6 000 or C = 7(600) + 6(300) = R 6 000 or C = 8(600) + 4(300) = R 6 000 or C = 9(600) + 2(300) = R 6 000 or C = 10(600) + 0(300) = R 6 000 8 red ; 4 blue answer (1) [17] TOTAL: 150 Copyright reserved Please turn over Mathematics/P1 28 NSC – Memorandum DBE/November 2011 QUESTION 12. 2 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 y Blue Buses Red Buses 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 x 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Copyright reserved

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Who you are what defines who you are Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Who you are what defines who you are - Essay Example I was born and grown up in South Korea where I lived until I was 17 years old. I have come to the U.S to pursue my studies and higher goals in my life and to get more experience about the larger world. Currently, I’m planning to transfer to UCLA because my girlfriend is studying here. I’m a Christian in religion and an aspirant of economics in career (I did my Major in economics). Three essential factors that determine or define who I am today are money (I believe in the power of money in today’s world), my girlfriend (she has changed my life entirely), and my self-consciousness (I’ve always been self-conscious – so I bought an expensive car, fancy stuff, nice house, etc.). The most essential factor that defines who I am is money and I am very honest and frank in admitting that money is everything in my life. From my personal experience, I have realized that money is so powerful in contemporary world that it can resolve even the hard-hitting issues of daily life. Whenever I got into a trouble, money was powerful enough to solve it and get me relieved from the issue. Therefore, I believe in the power of money which can make real life for human beings. My education has been connected with my faith in the power of money and I have acquired my major in economics. All my education and career orientation have been directed towards the goal of achieving money in life. Economics can help me understand the various aspects of money and offer a means to earn the same. Secondly, I believe, it is the relationship with my girlfriend which has tremendously influenced my definition of what I am today. It is my girlfriend who has changed my life drastically and has influenced me in formulating my life. She has been the essential source of inspiration and courage in my life for the last several years. I am fortunate to enjoy her love and care all through the last several years and she has given me the real meaning of my life. Today, as I reflect on who I

Friday, October 18, 2019

Use of Force Policy in New Jersey Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Use of Force Policy in New Jersey - Essay Example It will then evaluate the policy by presenting the advantages and the disadvantages of the policy, and end by submitting some recommendations on the measures which can be used to improve the policy for the law enforcement officers. For the use of force in general, be it lethal or non-lethal, the policy states certain ground points that need to be followed by the police department. These four points include the use of force only by authorized and certified police officials, the use of force only when appropriate and required, the appropriate and reasonable use of force both in intensity and type, and the use of force only to attain lawful or legal ends (Use of force, 2000). Furthermore, the policy defines these lawful ends, in general, as any of the following four situations: when the officer is confronted with resistance directed at himself or others; when there is application of force against the officer or a third party, which could be another officer or an innocent bystander; when there is a threat of damage to property; or when the officer needs to make other legal ends possible, such as making an arrest (Use of force, 2000). For the use of deadly force, the parameters are further defined. Deadly force can be used only when the officer believes the criminal will cause death or serious bodily harm to the officer or a third party and when there are no other methods of stopping him, or in cases of an escape of such a criminal who has been charged with causing serious bodily harm or killing someone, and who the officer has reasonable belief will cause such harm if he succeeds in escaping (Use of force, 2000). Again, deadly force should only be used if there are no other options available and no innocent bystanders are in the danger of being hurt (Use of force, 2000). In 2009 (Hester, 2010), the Attorney General, on the basis of the recommendations and findings of his advisory committee on the use of force policy (Use of force, 2000), introduced the concept and the use of non-lethal weapons or force in police action in the state of New Jersey. This policy concerned mainly with the use of stun guns by police officers (Hester, 2009), although others measures of non-lethal force such as the use of rubber bullets, baton, foam, pressurized water, and other such devices does constitute non-lethal force (Capstick, 2001). There are two versions o f the policy; the original policy, issued in 2009, and a revised version, issued in 2010 (Hester, 2010). The revised version is currently in place (Hester, 2010). The use of non-lethal force does not replace the use of lethal force; it helps merely in reducing the number of incidents in which the police had to resort to lethal force in the absence of any alternative measures (Hester, 2009). Similarly, there are laws defining the use of such force just as there are for lethal force. The use of stun guns is the most common non-lethal force employed by the police (Hester, 2009). According to the old version of the policy, the police could only use this force against those deemed mentally ill or disturbed who were posing imminent danger either to themselves or to the public (Hester, 2010). Such people could be unarmed forcefully and arrested by the use of stun guns (Hester, 2010). The police had to take into account the opinion of an expert on the scene for such matters (Hester, 2010). Stun guns could not be used to forcefully make

Do countries really benefit from international trade Essay

Do countries really benefit from international trade - Essay Example One example of this would be Jamaica and Great Britain. Whilst it is very easy for Jamaica to produce pineapples, it is very difficult for Great Britain to do so. By exchanging goods that are in demand in Jamaica, Britain could receive something they might not otherwise have. Building on this argument is the idea that certain products could be traded that meet different specifications. One example of this would be steel. Whilst Europe and the United States both produce steel it may be that they are able to independently produce steel to different specifications, as such the countries are able to focus their operations to producing the product in which they specialize. What this translates to is better resource allocation, which ultimately encourages countries to produce products in which they have a comparative advantage. By extension it could be said that nations are less wasteful with their resources, for example Great Britain could grow tropical fruit in giant, heated greenhouses but that would represent an inefficient allocation of resources. A second advantage to international trade is that nations may capitalize on proximity advantages. What this means is that even though a country may be able to produce a good domestically there may be a foreign producer that can more efficiently supply a product by nature of them being able to save on logistics costs. An example of this would be Canada and the United States wherein Western Canada is a major producer of timer however if Eastern Canada needs timber they may turn to American suppliers that are only a few hundred kilometers away rather than on the opposite side of their own domestic country. The third advantage of international trade is the associated increased competition that comes with said trade. When a domestically produced product faces no real international competition it is often argued that stagnation occurs, insofar as there is no real need to innovate because consumers have no other option

Discovery English Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Discovery English - Essay Example However, these journal previews had much of the information that I needed to analyze them. To analyze and evaluate a journal we need to consider its output, content, perception and usage, citation and management (Haustein v). The two journals I analyze in this Paper are the American Education History Journal, Volume 31, and the Journal of Research in Character Education, Volume 6. The American Education History Journal, volume 31, was first published in 2004. One of its outspoken positive qualities is that it has several topics which can be viewed in its preview at no cost through the internet. Another positive quality is that it covers a wide range of topic related to elementary education most of which contain comprehensive information about research undertaken in this field (Watras 1). Moreover, its research surveys are not biased to any country thus making it a worldwide journal. However, the journal also has some negative qualities. One of its negative qualities is the inaccessib ility of the full view of the journal only that makes the information available from this journal to be limited. Our other journal, the Journal of Research in Character Education, Volume 6, was published in 2008. It has several positive qualities, one of them being having the most recent information on current research on elementary education. ... However, it has a preview which can be viewed through the internet at no cost since it contain much of the information which an elementary profession can require. It was published for many years ago in 2004 and its information is as important as those in the latest journals are and hence it has a good durability. The journal had a lot of prestige in the field of elementary education when it was first published because of the quality of its content. However, it has lost some of its prestige due to the emergence of current journals in this field that relies mostly on current research. The institution of origin of this journal is the University of North Carolina. This is where the journal was first edited and published. University of North Carolina is the place where it is currently published although currently it can be purchased from several books distributers. Journal of Research in Character Education is costly to purchase since it is among the most current journals. Like our previo us journal, this one too has large longevity since it is currently as much useful as when it was published in 2008. It is also very much prestigious because it carries information from highly rated scholars and it contains information from most current research. One of such research is research on the effect of school-based program in enhancing pre-social development of Children (Milson and Berkowitz 1). The institution origin of this journal also is the University of North Carolina. This is where it was edited and published. From my interviews, I found out that many scholars in the current society are still using these two journals. Two people I interviewed told me that they have used either a

Thursday, October 17, 2019

How does the Bible describe sin ( Hamartiology) Essay

How does the Bible describe sin ( Hamartiology) - Essay Example In this paper the author analyses a part of systematic theology, Hamartiology, as the official ‘Doctrine of Sin’ and tends to explicate the meaning, denotation and consequences of sin. Hamartiology has been a controversial subject amongst experts, some believe in the original sin point of view which was given to us by Apostle Paul, whereas some such argue that humans were either not at all affected by the fall of man, another segment of Hamartiology also discusses that whether humans were or were not affected by the fall of man is irrelevant, but the human race is sinful by nature because of the devil. Except for the concept of original sin, the Hamartiology section in theology also deals with other types of sin, and exactly describes what God actually means when he mentions sin in the great book. Numerous excerpts from the testaments have been taken to express the Bible’s outlook towards sin, which in abstract point towards two meanings; the first being transgres sion and the second to miss or overlook the mark. Within this essay sin, its origination, and its nature have also been discussed thoroughly. A major section of Hamartiology deals with the comprehension of ‘original sin’, which states that, us humans being descendants of Adam and Eve are not what God actually crafted as most Christians believe. Within the bible, numerous words are used which are synonymic to sin, some of the terms are unrighteousness, transgression, against the will of god, defiling god, non-belief in god, and of course trespassing.

Film Analysis of Dead Man Walking Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Film Analysis of Dead Man Walking - Term Paper Example In order to discuss these critically important principles and relate them to the film under analysis, first the particular scene to which each of them relates the most will be identified. Then, that principle will be scrutinized to appreciate what literature has to say about it and finally, the extent to which each principle relates to the scene described will be critically analyzed. A- Deindividuation Scene: After going through many sessions with Poncelet, Sister Helen develops a special relationship with him and also becomes his confidant. She strongly believes in the value of forgiveness and repeatedly attempts to inculcate the same belief in him in many earlier scenes. It is because of that emphasis that near the end of the film just sometime before Poncelet is about to be executed for his crime, he confides in Sister Helen that he did in fact kill the boy and rape the girl despite having denied these deeds before. In this scene, he takes full responsibility for the cruel demise of both teenagers. What is deindividuation? Deindividuation is popularly described as marked loss of self-awareness to the point that a person becomes uncaring about social code of conduct or norms of the society. The loss of self-awareness is so potent that a person refuses to take responsibility for any action taken by him/her. ... Such people have no regard for others’ lives and do not seem to mind the idea of them bringing suffering or acute distress in other people’s lives. Deindividuation also compels people to violate their personal norms because external norms become more powerful (Pastorino and Doyle-Portillo 473) and engage in activities they would not care about otherwise. It is associated with unbridled and offensive behavior because it lowers the sense of self-awareness leaving a person unable to conscientiously evaluate his/her actions. How the scene conforms to the principle of deindividuation? This scene illustrates how deindividuation played a destructive role in motivating Poncelet to murder two innocent people. Because of wrong influence in the form of Carl Vitello and his own weaknesses, he violated his person code of conduct and lived by the external norms which stimulated him to commit the crime. He had no self-awareness in that moment and even after that, he is not seen willin g to take responsibility for his heinous actions. Before this scene, he always admitted being high on drugs but blamed Vitello for killing the teenagers leaving himself out of the main action. His personal norm was to lie about the real situation and he tried to live by that norm. However, when the moment of execution finally dawns on him, he loses self-awareness and the will to protect himself. Here, the external norms of Sister Helen related to honesty and taking responsibility for one’s actions become more powerful. B- Schemas Scene: Near the end of the movie, Sister Helen tells Pocelet that he is a son of God and should expect forgiveness because while he is being executed, Christ would be here.