Tuesday, May 19, 2020
Television Sci Fi Drama The 100 - 1454 Words
The television sci-fi drama The 100 follows the journey of 100 juvenile offenders who were sent down from space and their struggle to survive on Earth 97 years after a nuclear war wiped out most of the planet. The juveniles were sent down to Earth to see if it was inhabitable again, once their Ark in space, that holds 2,400 from twelve different countries, began running out of air. Upon arriving to Earth, the 100 teens quickly ran into problems with the Grounders, mountain men, reapers, and the city of light that managed to survive the war. The 100 first aired on March 19, 2014 and its director is Jason Rothenberg. Some of the main actors include Eliza Taylor who plays Clarke, Bob Morley who plays Bellamy, Isaiah Washington who plays Jaha and Paige Turco who plays Abby. I chose this show to analyze because there are many different languages spoken throughout the course of its three seasons, it has a strong female lead, and has positive representations on both race and sexuality. The audience’s response to the show has typically been positive and they really enjoyed the fact that there are multiple gay couples throughout the show. The audience also enjoys the plot because of its fast pace, but find the director to be racist because he mostly kills off people of color. In addition, variety.com just put out a list of the worst shows for 2016 and included The 100 on it because the director also killed off one of the main gay cast members that the audience became attached to. InShow MoreRelatedThe Avengers : Age Of Ultron Essay3597 Words  | 15 Pagesall set to release on 24th of this month, one week ahead of its mass release in USA and it is not the first film to do so. ‘I’ had a massive release in china, where some crucial sequences were also shot. Furious 7 becomes the first film to cross the 100 crore mark at the Indian box office. Hollywood films dominating eastern box office and exploring new locations in the eastern part of the world, Indian actors like Irrfan Khan making their presence felt in Hollywood films are few examples of growingRead MoreA Brief Look at Steven Spielberg1726 Words  | 7 PagesIndiana was shot in 2008. The picture was shot on a film not on a digital camera. Also Spielberg refused most of the computer effects in favor of the classic tricks. It was a great success. In the USA during the first weekend hire, the film grossed over $100 million. In 1982, American screens were beginning to demonstrate the film â€Å"Alien. Spielberg wrote the script for the film with Melissa Mathison. The 1980s for Spielberg were a kind of a new platform for experimentation and creation of pictures inRead MoreDenzel Washington2082 Words  | 9 Pagesfilmed a series of commercials and began acting in various television movies, such as â€Å"Wilma†, and made his film debut in the 1981 â€Å"Carbon Copy†. A major career break came when he starred as Dr. Phillip Chandler in the television hospital drama â€Å"St. Elsewhere†which ran from 1982 to 1988 on NBC. Denzel was one of only a few African American actors to appear on the series for its entire six-year run. He also appeared in several television, film and stage roles such as the films â€Å"A Soldiers Story†Read MoreBangladesh Film Industry4561 Words  | 19 Pagesanswered â€Å"DVD’s†and 50% answered television. From the pie chart we can see that 50% of the respondents prefer to watch movies on television. This is because they can get to watch movies for free and they can also share this moment with their family. Another reason may be that, since the majority viewers of Bangla movies are lower income people they do not have enough money to go to watch movies in cinema halls or buy DVD’s so they prefer watching it on television. Significant of people also respondentRead MoreInsight to Coach Carter Film7710 Words  | 31 Pagesâ€Å"That’s all my contract was – a roadmap to help these kids change their lives.†Carter also believes that things don’t happen overnight, that change comes gradually with steadfast perseverance. â€Å"If you improve one percent a day, then in 100 days, guess what? You’re 100 percent better!†exclaims Carter. â€Å"I mean, it doesn’t take a genius to figure that out. You see, it’s all about momentum. O nce you start making one good decision, then you make another and another, and before you know it, you can seeRead MoreEssay Renting and Netflix7311 Words  | 30 PagesAmazons September 7 launch of Unbox, the e-commerce giants response to a flood of sites offering downloadable movie rentals and purchases, including CinemaNow, Guba, and the Hollywood studio-supported Movielink (Holahan, 2006). Several cable television content providers already have video-on-demand [VOD] offerings, though their VOD movie libraries are not yet nearly as extensive as Blockbusters and Neflixs VHS and DVD rental supply (Maddox Thompson, 2006). Fears that movie downloads willRead MoreThe Studio System Essay14396 Words  | 58 Pageschanges occurred during the growth of the Hollywood studio, and compare those changes to contemporary struggles in which production companies are trying to define and control emerging industries, such as online film and interactive television. So when and how does the classical Hollywood studio system congeal? Two issues are key: the advent of sound and the business ideal of vertical integration. The coming of sound The shift of the entire industry to sound filmsRead MoreDieting Makes People Fat Essay19490 Words  | 78 PagesProtection Factor (SPF) of at least 15. †¢ Reapply sunscreen every 2 hours when outdoors, even on cloudy days. †¢ Wear protective, tightly woven clothing, such as a long-sleeved shirt and pants. †¢ Wear a wide-brimmed hat and sunglasses that Block 99-100% of UV Radiation when outdoors. †¢ Stay in the shade whenever possible. †¢ Avoid reflective surfaces, which can reflect up to 85 percent of the suns damaging rays. †¢ Protect children. Minimize sun exposure and apply sunscreen to children aged 6 months
A Government s Change Of Political Structure - 1752 Words
A government’s change of political structure needs a careful and cautious review of the various factors that would evidently adjust for the benefit and advantage of a nation’s progress and existence. The Soviet Republic of Livonia has decided to change its government into a democratic one with two options that would guide them. And although the goal and objectives are purposeful and legitimate, the transition would be the most crucial stage of this change because everything may either fall into place or fall out in synchronism. Democracy is a good choice for the new independent nation considering that there is a new means of allowing their people to actively cooperate with the government. The right of suffrage will allow the citizens to elect their chosen representatives especially for the higher and important positions. Through the constitution, people’s rights and responsibilities will be codified enduring limits to their new government. Frye (309) claimed that even citizens could participate through political parties that would help the proper dispersion of financial budgets. However, there is a great threat that economic reform might only be beneficial to narrow business groups and wealthy personalities that would create a privatization of some economic regulations. These types of people may drain the country’s resources for their benefits. Frye (309) suggests that such political competition and diverse political coalitions might even prevent the productive transitionShow MoreRelatedThe Popularization Of The Radical Right Emerges From The1554 Words  | 7 Pages economic and political institutions that produces knowledge and information throughout the United Kingdom. This enables the elite class to obtain the power to systematically erase various narratives that challenge the suppression and structural control by the state. The rise of thatcherism originated from the political and economic control propelled by the elite class who imposed a dominant ideology that sustained the movement of the radical right, in the time of severe political instability fromRead MoreWas The American Revolution Revolutionary?1549 Words  | 7 Pagesand utmost overthrow of an established government by a new regime? Or is a revolution defined as a subversive change in societal values/roles that changes the structures of a pre-existing social order? Or possibly both? In light of both definitions, one can evaluate that the American Revolution was indeed revolutionary because American colonists were successful in eradicating themselves from the overarching British government, parting from their political power. Colonial states in the AmericasRead MoreWhat Factors During The Colonial Period Essay1636 Words  | 7 PagesBritish Empire? Be sure to discuss the economic, political, and cultural aspects of the American Revolution. PROVISIONAL HYPOTHESIS: The structure of America revolution to address a various issue, which has great impact on America It, was the procedure where the thirteen colonies of North America became independent of Great Britain also then formed a new integrated government. The major reasons of America revolution are cultural, economic and political. Subset section SUB-SECTIONS: The Americans foughtRead MoreEquality Between Men And Women1263 Words  | 6 Pagesof women, a feminist would never place faith on the Centre of Political power to bring about this change. This is for the simple logical reason that a politics is the embodiment of patriarchy. Among all superstructures of the society starting from family, the community, religion, the Rulers represent the highest form of discrimination. Hence an institution which is to work towards the emancipation of women has to be free from political influence without which it is toothless and only ornamental. Read MoreTo What Extent Was The Enlightenment The Main Driving Force Behind The American And French Revolutions?1479 Words  | 6 Pagesthe Enlightenment the main driving force behind the American and French Revolutions? The years 1685 to 1815 (Strayer, 2011) will be the focus of this investigation to allow for an analysis of the Enlightenment ideas’ impact the need for governmental change in the A merican colonies and France during the eighteenth century, as well as their governmental influences post-revolutions. †¯ The first source which will be evaluated in depth is the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, last edited in 2016 andRead MoreGina Rinehart s Accumulation Of Fairfax Shares Essay1580 Words  | 7 PagesGina Rinehart and Fairfax Gina Rinehart’s accumulation of Fairfax shares is used as a case study in the context of a political economy analysis because of the existence in the case study of political systems protecting economic and power structures in society. The traditional justification for journalism has been that it can act as a watchdog on powerful government and corporations. The issue with Gina Rinehart’s share in Fairfax, is that one of the most powerful sectors in Australian society, theRead MoreThe American Revolution Was A Political Revolution1322 Words  | 6 Pagesimportant was Britain s rivalry with France as it led to the Seven Year War. The war had drained the empire economically, causing it to place taxes on the colonies in the New World. In turn rebellions arose and led the colonies to declare independence. For the thirteen colonies the American Revolution began with its Declaration of Independence. The American Revolution was indeed a revolution, because its conclusion br ought change. However, the American Revolution was a political revolution and butRead MoreWestern Colonization Essay1061 Words  | 5 PagesEnglish invade , many parts of India were changed such as culture, traditions and political structure. They also influenced Indians on language. In old days, they usually used Hindi, but now they almost use English. Some changes are positive while others are negative. Overall, in my opinion, the changes made by mixing culture do more harmful to India than positive. The positive elements are transportation, political structure, advanced technology. The negative elements are language, traditional cultureRead MoreSangha Act Of 1941 : An Overview970 Words  | 4 Pagessangha represents this shift. The sangha was also structured to reflect the modern government with a separation of powers into a legislative, executive, and judiciary systems, with an ecclesiastical assembly, ecclesiastical cabinet, and ecclesiastical courts. However, though the sangha had become more democratic, the government continued to exert an increasing amount of influence over the sangha. Despite the government holding significant influence over the sangha, the monarchy still valued the publicRead MoreThe Political Apathy Of America s Youth1447 Words  | 6 PagesIt is no surprise that today s youth faces a wave of disillusionment when it comes to politics. Surrounded by a world engulfed in Google and Facebook, we demand instant responsiveness in every aspect of our lives, including our government. As a result, the need for transparency and immediate interaction has ebbed Millennials faith in their government. Their numbers are stagnant in the polls and yet their willingness to emphasize political c orrectness seems to magnify when a politically related
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
What Does Trump s 6 Point Healthcare Plan Actually Mean...
What Does Trump’s 6 Point Healthcare Plan Actually Mean for the Industry? Healthcare Reform President-Elect Donald Trump posted an updated transition plan for his Healthcare Reform on the website www.greatagain.gov. The website outlines his concerns with the Affordable Care Act (ACA); going on to describe rapidly rising premiums and deductibles, along with shrinking networks and health insurance. â€Å"A Trump Administration will work with Congress to repeal the ACA and replace it with a solution that includes Health Savings Accounts (HSAs), and returns the historic role in regulating health insurance to the States,†it reads. â€Å"The Administration’s goal will be to create a patient-centered healthcare system that promotes choice, quality and affordability of health insurance and healthcare, and take any needed action to alleviate the burdens imposed on American families and businesses by the law.†The post outlines six main bullets that Trump plans focus on during his reform. Protect individual conscience in healthcare Protect innocent human life from conception to natural death, including the most defenseless and those Americans with disabilities Advance research and development in healthcare Reform the Food and Drug Administration, to put greater focus on the need of patients for new and innovative medical products Modernize Medicare, so that it will be ready for the challenges with the coming retirement of the Baby Boom generation – and beyond Maximize flexibility for States inShow MoreRelatedPolitical Discourse And Action Report1469 Words  | 6 Pagestroubling times. With having two very detested presidential candidates running for office from both sides of the aisle and a very divided nation, America is certainly in a state of unease. With many important issues such as gun control, climate change, healthcare, and foreign policy being some of the hottest topics in politics, people will have their opinions and some might be very polarizing from each other. Some will lean conservative while others will lean liberal. Today I will be talking about the currentRead MoreCongressional District : Democratic And State Level2978 Words  | 12 Pageshad been in office since 2012 and Democrat and newcomer Amanda Rentira. The district was won by President Barack Obama by 11.1 percent in 2012 and 6 percent in 2008, so the Democrats saw hope and potential for Rentira. The 21st Congressional District is considered competitive beca use of its voter registration numbers. Democrats hold a 17-percentage-point registration advantage over the rival Republicans, but have struggled to get voters to the polls. In addition, Valadao was well-funded two years agoRead More Casino Development in Massachusetts Essay5400 Words  | 22 Pagesunemployment rate rises in the state, what are lawmakers doing to help boost the economy and close the deficit? Heading into the fiscal year 2005, Massachusetts is facing a record deficit of close to two billion dollars. Lawmakers on Beacon Hill are scrambling for solutions, but seem to be coming up empty handed. With the elections drawing nearer and nearer, and local state contenders vying for seats in the state congress getting more competitive with one another, what can Massachusetts do about this economicRead MoreIdentifying Venture Opportunities6340 Words  | 26 PagesCASE: E-323 DATE: 11/18/08 IDENTIFYING VENTURE OPPORTUNITIES I never perfected an invention that I did not think about in terms of the service it might give others... I find out what the world needs, then I proceed to invent. â€â€Thomas Edison INTRODUCTION One of the biggest questions on every hopeful entrepreneur’s mind is, ―how do I come up with a compelling idea for a new venture?â€â€" While there is no right or wrong answer to this question, there are several things to be aware of and thinkingRead MoreEstee Lauder Inc.9371 Words  | 38 PagesEnvironmentâ€â€PEST Analysis 3 2.2 Industry Environment 4 2.2.1 Industry Definition and Overview 4 2.2.2 Competitors Profile 4 2.2.3 Porter’s Five Forces 6 2.2.4 Critical Success Factors 7 2.3 Company 7 2.3.1 Financial Analysis 7 2.3.2 Product Mix 10 2.4 Problem Identification 11 3 SWOT 12 4 STRATEGY FORMULATION 13 4.1 Strategy Formulation 13 4.2 Target Market 15 4.3 Product Mix Changes 19 4.3.1 Product 19 4.3.2 Price 20 4.3.3 Promotion 20 4.3.4 Place 20 5 IMPLEMENTATION 23 6 CONCLUDING REMARKSRead MoreCsr Communication in the Pharma Industry35538 Words  | 143 PagesCSR COMMUNICATION IN THE PHARMACEUTICAL INDUSTRY AN ANALYSIS OF THE WEBSITES OF THREE PHARMACEUTICAL WHOLESALERS MASTER THESIS Author: Josà © Javier Levrino (JL82847) Supervisor: Anne Ellerup Nielsen MA in Corporate Communication Ã…rhus, Denmark. August 2010 CSR COMMUNICATION IN THE PHARMACEUTICAL INDUSTRY Josà © Javier Levrino Table of contents Abstract 1. Introduction 1.1 Motivation 1.2 Problem statement 1.3 Delimitation 1.4 Methodology 1.4.1 1.4.2 1.4.3 1.4.4 Scientific paradigm: hermeneuticsRead MoreCrossing the Chasm76808 Words  | 308 Pagesretrieval system, in any form or by any means, whether electronic or mechanical, now known or hereinafter invented, without the express written permission of PerfectBoundâ„ ¢. PerfectBound â„ ¢ and the PerfectBoundâ„ ¢ logo are trademarks of HarperCollins Publishers. Adobe Acrobat E-Book Reader edition v 1. October 2001 ISBN 0-06-018987-8 The original hardcover edition of this book was published in 1991 by HarperBusiness, a division of HarperCollins Publishers. 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 To Marie Contents Read MoreMarketing and E-commerce Business65852 Words  | 264 PagesE-COMMERCE SECURITY AND PAYMENT SYSTEMS Opening Case: Cyberwar: MAD 2.0 Insight on Business: We Are Legion Insight on Technology: Think Your Smartphone Is Secure? Insight on Society: Bitcoin Case Study: Online Payment Marketplace: Goat Rodeo CHAPTER 6 E-COMMERCE MARKETING AND ADVERTISING CONCEPTS Opening Case: Video Ads: Shoot, Click, Buy Insight on Business: Are the Very Rich Different From You and Me? Insight on Technology: The Long Tail: Big Hits and Big Misses Insight on Society: Every MoveRead MoreStudy of Recruitment Process and E- Recruitment12119 Words  | 49 Pagesonline recruitment of candidates – more popularly referred to as E-recruitment. The human resources departments are taking advantage of the advancing technology and deploying web-based tools for inviting and comparing resumes. The term e-recruitment means using information technology (IT) to speed up or enhance parts of the recruitment process. It ranges from the applicant interface for advertising vacancies and making job applications, to the back office processes, which allow a liaison between humanRead MoreThe Mind of a Marketing Manager26114 Words  | 105 Pagesamidst this complexity? What is your competitive advantage? Which markets, brands, products and customers should you prioritize in order to maximize value creation? * What is your defining purpose? How do you reflect the aspirations of your stakeholders? How could you make more of your brand, in new markets or applications? And how do you capture its full impact over time? * Who are the customers for your business? How do you gain real insight into what they want? How do
Increasing Number of Female Athletes - 567 Words
Sport participation is a significant aspect of life for many female athletes beginning at a young age. With increasing female sport participation, specifically in swimming, understanding the possible implications of their chosen form of training is critical. Over years of training, an athlete generally becomes more elite and focused in one specific sport however the timing of when they choose to do so determines their chosen training pattern. The two most common forms of training are high intensity single sport participation and that of multiple sports with less time dedicated in one particular activity. With the current research showing female swimmers to start training at the age of 10 (Malina, 2010), well before typical maturity, evaluating the long term impacts is necessary. While data sport participation prior to menarche is not convincingly seen to impact growth and maturation (Malina, 2010), the impacts it may have on injuries is yet to be seen. Injury patterns have also been previously studied with female collegiate swimmers and the most common areas of injury are in the shoulder/upper arm and the back/neck (Wolf, 2009). However, in this study, intensity of training either currently or in the past was not also examined. Combining all of these facets: sport specialization, age at menarche, and their possible relationship to injuries has yet to be done. In this paper, first the current research in these areas individually be discussed in order to provide a solidShow MoreRelatedConflicting Arguments Over Title IX Legislation925 Words  | 4 Pagesdiscontinuing its men’s wrestling, swimming, tennis, and gymnastics programs (Gottesdiener, 2011). Organizations like this are being diminished and discarded at an ever-increasing rate all across America. College and high school students competing in these athletic events are truly passionate about their chosen sport. In many cases, promising athletes are offered scholarships, initiating a symbiotic relationship between the student and the school they play for. In 1972, a new legislation was put forward withRead MoreThe Gendered Discourse On Female Athletes And Coaches871 Words  | 4 Pagesâ€Å"Man Up:†Understanding the Gendered Discours e on Female Athletes and Coaches I once had a soccer coach who told me to â€Å"man up†when I came off the soccer field with a swollen, black eye. He asked me if I was going to â€Å"cry like a girl†or get back in my position on the field. Being a fourteen year old girl, I cried. But I returned to the field and continued playing. From recreation league to intercollegiate athletics, the one thing my coaches had in common was that they were male. I play onRead MoreFemale Athlete : Female Athletes1714 Words  | 7 PagesFemale Athlete Repercussion How many times have we all sat glued to our televisions during the summer or winter Olympics, admiring the young female athletes competing in such sports as gymnastics, swimming, track, and ice-skating? Behind those beautiful, slim bodies a serious condition may be lurking, one that is not a popular topic of discussion among many coaches and even overly ambitious parents. Nowadays, girls at a very young age are becoming more and more involved in competitive sports thatRead MoreWomen s Higher Rate Of Anterior Cruciate Ligament1704 Words  | 7 Pagesstrategies, differences in sex hormones, differences in knee flexion angles, and core strength differences in men and women athletes. Numerous studies have produced correlating data in reference to women’s higher susceptibility to knee injury during upper level athletics. Although it seems unpreventable a couple of different preventative measures have been suggested to reduce the number of knee injuries a year. These measures i nclude supplements and active correction training of muscle movements, also aRead MoreThe Issue Of Inequality Within The Sporting World1285 Words  | 6 Pagestarget and work to fix these issues. There are a number of barriers that effect women’s sport that stop its rise to prominence in Australian society. These barriers include, sexploitation, women s portrayal and coverage in the media, sponsorship cycle, participation rates in young girls and misogyny. These issues directly affect the major stakeholders in women’s sport. These stakeholders are for these issues are female athletes, media companies, female children and the Australian society in generalRead MoreInternational Federation Of State High School Athletes807 Words  | 4 Pageshigh school athletics. The odds of making the professional ranks, however, are slim to none, as only 6% of high school student-athletes go on to play at the collegiate level (NCAA, 2015). Therefore, states, communities, educat ors, and parents continue to stress academics before athletics. In fact, when we address athletes in school, we address them as student-athletes. Numerous studies have been conducted throughout the years that highlight the benefits of participating in school-sponsored athleticsRead MoreThe On The Track And Field Community1131 Words  | 5 Pagesdiscus, shot put, hammer and javelin. Several will be addressed in this paper. There are also any number of manuals that address the details of throwing technique. What has not been done it to attempt to measure improvements in technique and correlate that to increased throwing distances. Having an idea of the relative contributions to improved performance by strength and technique will enable an athlete and his coach to formulate a more effective training plan. Purpose of the Study This study willRead MoreEating Disorders And Anorexia Nervosa947 Words  | 4 Pagesemotions, attitudes, and behaviors surrounding weight and food issues. Up to 24 million people of all ages and genders suffer from an eating disorder in the U.S (ANAD, n.d.) bulimia nervosa as well as the other eating disorders are considered to be a female eating disorder, a disorder that only affects women which limits males to seek treatment let alone make aware to other that they suffer from bulimia nervosa. Individuals who suffer from bulimia nervosa tend to eat big amounts of food which experienceRead MoreGender Identity And Its Effect On Society1464 Words  | 6 Pages500, Parrillo).The female, in the world of sport earns the achieved status but then through society and Social Conditioning falls into the role of being in the ascribed status. SocioHistorical Perspective In 1896, Baron Pierre de Coubertin founder of modern Olympics stated : No matter how toughened a sportswoman may be her organism is not cut out to sustain certain shocks Those words placed over the gender of the female were motivating factors that generated the athlete. Though degradingRead MoreFactors that Shaped the Modern Olympic Movement946 Words  | 4 Pagesphotograph of Sybil Newall, a female British competitor at the games, and advocates women participating in the games. This photographer might have this view because he or she is a feminist that took place in the women suffrage movement and is baffled that solely two percent of athletes were women, and is urging the Olympics to make a great change. Hassiva Boulmerka (#8), an Algerian competitor that engaged in the 1992 games held in Spain where 29 percent of the athletes were women, believes that every
Short Stor Essay Example For Students
Short Stor Essay Characters Role in Making a StoryCharacter, stories are affected in many ways by this seemingly small aspect of a short story. Just the use of certain characters in a story can change the way we perceive a story. Some characters hardly receive a mention in the story, but that small part can change the outcome. Other characters have traits about them that the entire story is based around. Whatever story you look at character has a huge role in determining how the story ends. The major character in most stories is a dynamic character, they bring most of the action into a story. In the story A good man is Hard to Find the grandmother is a prime example of a dynamic character. The story revolves around the grandmothers actions.The grandmother inadvertently leads her family into an accident There was a secret panel in this house, she said craftily, not telling the truth but wishing she were, by saying these words to her family she leads them into the car accident that eventually leads to the death of her and the ones she loves. By being the person the story is about, the grandmother gets described fully, and is therefore not only a dynamic character but also a round character. Her emotions are seen in many situations in the story by things she says, and her thoughts brought to the reader in detail.This type of character is one of the most important members of the cast in most all stories. It is this person that most everything revolves around. Opposite from dynamic characters, there are static characters in the story that help to drive the story forward. Static characters usually have little or no information on what theyre doing, thinking, or feeling ever mentioned. Static characters dont change throughout the story. For instance the father of the family in A Good Man is Hard to Find is a static, flat character. He plays a minimal role in the story, but is very important to the outcome. The grandmother blames the father for the car accident even though it wasnt his fault. In this case the father is being used by the author to drive the story forward. Any character could have been driving the vehicle, but it isnt important who is driving because the main point of this story is not about the father. Static characters do play vital roles in stories because they allow the story to flow better, but without the static characters personality taking away from the story. The father is a flat character because he is undeveloped, he doesnt get b rought into the main flow of the story. This is one example of a simple static, flat character. Popular Mechanics breaks the rules when it comes to looking at the regular static character. In this story there are only static characters. Son of a bitch! Im so glad youre leaving! She began to cry. You cant even look me in the face, can you? the most detailed comment on the other person in this story comes from the mouth of the woman.Amazing how the author uses the characters in this story to dramatize his ideas without looking deeply into their personalities. Throughout the story the mother and father of a baby argue and fight, but never in the story do you get a detailed look into their personalities.The characters are never fully realized for the individuals that they are, instead the reader attention is focused on what is going on and said. These peoples personalities, morals, and pasts never come into the story. Two flat static characters are the only means in which Carver chose to work with to write this piece of work and get an idea across to the reader. There is a strong p oint to this story that shows that even thought there might be no dynamic character in the story, it still has meaning and can be written. .u413e07dbd40eb99a00efb71e0e0334c6 , .u413e07dbd40eb99a00efb71e0e0334c6 .postImageUrl , .u413e07dbd40eb99a00efb71e0e0334c6 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u413e07dbd40eb99a00efb71e0e0334c6 , .u413e07dbd40eb99a00efb71e0e0334c6:hover , .u413e07dbd40eb99a00efb71e0e0334c6:visited , .u413e07dbd40eb99a00efb71e0e0334c6:active { border:0!important; } .u413e07dbd40eb99a00efb71e0e0334c6 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u413e07dbd40eb99a00efb71e0e0334c6 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u413e07dbd40eb99a00efb71e0e0334c6:active , .u413e07dbd40eb99a00efb71e0e0334c6:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u413e07dbd40eb99a00efb71e0e0334c6 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u413e07dbd40eb99a00efb71e0e0334c6 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u413e07dbd40eb99a00efb71e0e0334c6 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u413e07dbd40eb99a00efb71e0e0334c6 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(https://artscolumbia.org/wp-content/plugins/intelly-related-posts/assets/images/simple-arrow.png)no-repeat; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u413e07dbd40eb99a00efb71e0e0334c6:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u413e07dbd40eb99a00efb71e0e0334c6 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u413e07dbd40eb99a00efb71e0e0334c6 .u413e07dbd40eb99a00efb71e0e0334c6-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u413e07dbd40eb99a00efb71e0e0334c6:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: A Familiar Place EssayMany other things affect characters and how they are perceived. A question in the literature book asks a question that is easy to answer about character. Does our response to characters change as the story progresses?Absolutely our thoughts can change about a certain character as the story progresses, but it definitely doesnt have to. This aspect of character is essential to how we respond to anything we read. A character can make a story interesting by just changing our emotions about that particular character.Every person that reads the same story can have a different reaction to a character in a story, what they think of that character may influenc e their thoughts on that story. One thing a reader shouldnt be forced to do is keep first impressions of characters as the only impression. If readers do that, then a point, or theme could be missed but keeping one impression throughout a story is unlikely because people change their minds often.The names of characters may affect our initial impression of them. I had a buddy in Vietnam. His name was Bob Kiley, but everybody called him Rat.the first line describing rat was how his real name is Bob in the story How to Tell a True War Story. Now imagine if throughout the entire story rat is referred to as Bob. Would you think that the story would have to be told giving more detail of Bobs personality before he really made an impression on the story? Tim OBrien may not know it, but by using rat as the name of choice, has already given a mental idea to everybody of what rat is like. Names of characters can also give a sense of who they are if they are stock characters. Take the name OBri en for instance, would this be a Vietnamese soldier in this story, most likely not. But if a man named OBrien is brought into the story as a beer drinking Irishman, most people wouldnt think twice about it. This is the most important aspect of stock characters, that the author can put characters in a story without explaining much about them and still having the reader understand things about them. No matter what type of story a person is looking at, different things about character is going to be used somewhere in a story. Character is a vital part in making stories good or bad just by the way a person is described or acts. The simple explanation of character is the various small details about a person that make them a complex part of the plot.
Income Tax Assessment of Australia Free-Samples for Students
Questions: 1.Discuss whether or not the three Payments are Income from Personal Exertion. Would your answer differ if she wrote the Story for her own Satisfaction and only decided to sell it later? 2.Discuss the Effect on the assessable Income of the Parent.3. Based on the Information above, determine Scotts Net Capital Gain or Net Capital Loss for the year ended 30 June of the Current Tax Year. 4.How would your answer to 1 differ if Scott sold the Property to his Daughter for $200,000? 5.How would your answer to 1 differ if the Owner of the Property was a Company Instead of an Individual? Answers: 1.The material facts of the case indicate that Hilary who is professional mountain climber has been extended an offer to pen down the story of her life for a consideration of $ 10,000 which she has accepted. Eventually, she completes the story without any assistance and is paid $ 10,000 for selling the story along with associated copyrights. Also, she derives a total revenue of $7,000 by liquidating the manuscript expedition related photographs to a library. The key concern is to opine if the above payments can be treated as personal exertion income under the ambit of s. 6-5, ITAA 1997. Income from story writing It is interesting to note that despite having no writing experience whatsoever, Hilary is approached by a newspaper and extended a hefty amount of $ 10,000. Also, Hilary completes the story without services of ghost writer and this work is accepted by the newspaper. These two facts clearly reflect that interest of the newspaper does not lie in Hilarys literary skill but rather on the personal information which is considered valuable on account of her fame. The act of writing is merely a mode for passing on the personal information and is otherwise not generating any income. Hence, the receipts would be capital as they relate to the transfer of asset i.e. personal information about Hilary (Barkoczy, 2016). This is in line with the arguments advocated by the honourable court in Brent vs Federal Commissioner of Taxation(1971) 125 CLR case (Gilders et. al., 2016). Income from photographs and manuscript- In line of the above reasoning, it may be argued that the commercial value of photographs does not lie in the skills of photography but rather the content and association with Hilary. Similarly, the manuscript could hardly be considered as a piece of literature having commercial worth but the consideration extended is because it contains details about life of Hilary. Hence, these would also be considered as non-taxable capital receipts (Woellner, 2013). Changed Intention- In case, Hilary pens down the story solely driven by self-satisfaction, then also the income derived would be capital receipts. The argument would still remain the same as the books commercial value would be on account of the content and not because of the writers literary skills. Hence, through the medium of the book essentially an asset transfer would take place which would result in proceeds being capital and non-taxable (CCH, 2015). Conclusion- Neither of the payments would be termed as income on account of personal exertion as the underlying activities have not produced anything having commercial worth. 2.As per the relevant information, mother has extended a loan of $ 40,000 to her son which she expects would be repaid back at the end of five years. The son also offers paying interest @5% per annum which the mother promptly denies and conveys to the son that she expects principal repayment only. The son cleared the debt by making a payment of $ 44,000 through cheque after two years had elapsed. The key concern is to advice in relation to the tax assessability of the proceeds received from the son. Out of the total proceeds received, $ 40,000 is directed towards the principal repayment and therefore will be tax exempt as the receipts are of capital nature (Coleman, 2011). The concern is therefore to ascertain whether the $4,000 paid as interest would be tax assessable or not. In order for the proceeds to be tax assessable they should be either classifiable as ordinary or statutory income (Hodgson, Mortimer and Butler, 2016). The given payment of $ 4,000 is outside the ambit of s. 6-5 as the taxpayer is not engaged in business of money lending. This is apparent from the fact that she denies wanting any interest which is quite contrary to the way business transactions are conducted (CCH, 2015). Further, this may not be taken as profit from isolated transaction as covered under s.15-15. This is because the underlying motive to profit in the form of interest income is lacking (Wollner, 2013). Besides, the $ 4,000 payment cannot be considered as statutory income under s. 6-10 as it is easily cash convertible (Gilders et. al., 2016). Hence, the $ 4,000 payment is a gift in line with the conditions outlined in TR 2005/13 such as the actual transfer of benefit on voluntary basis without any expectations for future and derived from benefaction towards the other party (Barkoczy, 2016). Therefore, no tax would be levied on $ 4,000 and hence the whole $ 44,000 is tax exempt for the parent. 3.As land parcel has been bought before September 20, 1985 while the house construction has been enacted after that, hence land is exempted from paying CGT (Capital Gains tax) but the same cannot be said about the house. Thus, on capital gains made by house, CGT would be applicable (Woellner, 2013). Total valuation of property in 1986 Land = $90,000 Construction cost of house = $60,000 Total cost attributed to house = (Cost of house/Total asset cost) = (60000/150000) = 0.4 or 40% Total valuation of property at present Value of property in auction = $800,000 Property value that could be allocated to the house = 40% of 800000 = $ 320,000 The capital gains may be computed using either discount method or indexation method. Discount method (CCH, 2015) Capital gains (Gross) = Selling price Cost base = 320000 60000 = $ 260,000 Discount of 50% would apply since individual taxpayer and gains are long term Capital gains (Net) = Capital gains (Gross) Discount = 260000 130000 = $ 130,000 Indexation Method (Gilders et. al., 2016) Taxable capital gains = Selling price Inflation adjusted cost base = 320000 - 60000*(68.72/43.2) = $ 224,600 The discount method would be preferred by Scott as the tax liability is minimised in that case. 4.In this case, Scott sells the property for a consideration of $ 200,000 to his daughter even though the market value is $ 800,000 but still the capital gains remain the same as s. 116-30 dictate that computation of taxable capital gains should consider the higher of the market valu and the sale value (Austlii, nd). Thus, $200,000 would be discarded and gains would be computed using $ 800,000 leading to the same value. 5.The owner of the property is a company and not an individual taxpayer. Thus, discount method of capital gains computation is not available and indexation method would be used which would lead to taxable capital gains of $ 224,600 (Coleman, 2011). References Austlii nd, INCOME TAX ASSESSMENT ACT 1997 - SECT 116.30, Austlii Website, [Online] Available at https://www.austlii.edu.au/au/legis/cth/consol_act/itaa1997240/s116.30.html [Accessed April 19, 2017] Barkoczy,S 2016, Foundation of Taxation Law 2013,8theds., North Ryde: CCH Publications, CCH 2015, Australian Master Tax Guide 2013, 53rd eds., Sydney: Wolters Kluwer Coleman, C 2011, Australian Tax Analysis, 4th eds., Sydney: Thomson Reuters, Gilders, F, Taylor, J, Walpole, M, Burton, M. and Ciro, T 2016, Understanding taxation law 2016, 9th eds., Sydney: LexisNexis/Butterworths. Hodgson, H, Mortimer, C and Butler, J 2016, Tax Questions and Answers 2016, 5th eds., Sydney: Thomson Reuters, Woellner, R 2013, Australian taxation law 2013, 7th eds., North Ryde: CCH Australia
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