Saturday, February 29, 2020

Campbell & Baileys Boston Office Essay Example for Free

Campbell & Bailey’s Boston Office Essay When Campbell and Bailyn’s Boston Office made the decision to restructure their organization and place a new emphasis on specialization, the business and employees faced multiple challenges during the process. Although communication problems were evidenced in the scenario, I was also concerned with the lack of buy-in by the employees within the organization. According to a recent writing in Bloomberg’s Business Week, employees are an important factor in determining how customers perceive the company’s brand. For this reason, companies should do more to nurture the company’s culture through internal branding efforts. In addition, when employers consider a company’s brand, they think in terms of marketing departments, advertising, and publications. In reality, a brand is made up of every experience that a customer has with an organization. (McKee, 2014). Management consultant Peter Drucker states â€Å"culture eats strategy for dinner† (McKee, 2014). When employees become stressed out at work, it impacts their performance and in turn the company’s productivity. In the Boston office, it was clear that Paul Callahan, the top grossing sales person, was stressed out. In a recent article, it is stated that depression and burnout afflict one-third of employees (Cooper, 2014). These afflictions can also negatively impact employee performance and morale. In the case of the Boston office, it would benefit the organization to speak with the employees and work towards obtaining their buy-in. Once the employees buy into the change, they can then pass that enthusiasm on to their customers to gain their buy-in as well. Cooper, C. (2014, May 15). Depression and burnout at work afflict one-third of employees. The Independent.

Thursday, February 13, 2020

Successfully managing this project of building the new club Essay

Successfully managing this project of building the new club - Essay Example Then I would appoint sub project managers to supervise these sub projects. These sub project managers would be well versed with their area of concern. Once the sub projects have been identified, it is time to move to the project planning phase. The activities and tasks involved in the sub projects would be highlighted and then scheduled. Civil works would include laying the foundation of water heaters; different health fitness machines and HVAC equipments. Civil structure and finishing for the cinema Hall and the swimming pool are also included under this sub project. Other civil tasks which have to be done before any other sub project is initiated include trenching for laying of utilities lines such as electrical cables, hot water, and cold water piping and drainage lines. Numerous activities shall be associated with the sub- project Electrical Works. For instance installation and erection of electrical sub station, laying down cables, installation of Motor Control Centers, installation and commissioning of instrumentation and electrical works. Some activities shall be specific to a particular system. For example the swimming pool system shall include filing pumps, vacuum pumps, filters, underwater lights, jumping board etc. Ob Obviously while constructing the cinema hall we will have to keep several factors in mind like avoiding reverberations, good quality audio and stereo system. Therefore another project to be added to our list of sub projects would be the Cinema Hall Sub Project. Here various tasks specific to the construction of the cinema hall, like the installation of acoustic system, sound system, HVAC system and fire alarm and fighting system would be carried out. After all I do not want the club users to be complaining about poor sound quality and bad air conditioning. Last but no the least is the Mechanical and Plumbing Works Sub Project. This would further be broken down into different parts like operation of water heaters, installation of plumbing systems with fittings, installation of fitness machines and the HVAC system. The significance of the work breakdown structure is emphasized in some articles. "In a hectic business environment, project fundamentals such as scope definition and the Wor k Breakdown Structure often take a backseat to a "just get going" mentality.(Wright,C.,2007) Once I have defined the Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) as above, I would move unto the planning phase. The project planning matrices would help me here. Three components, which can be controlled and measured using this plan, time, cost and resources, are drawn in triangular form whereby an imbalance in one shall have an impact on the other two. Another tool would be the project planning cycle. The project is first planned, then executed, then monitored and then reviewed. If there are some flaws detected during the review phase then the cycle is repeated again otherwise we move towards the project closure phase. Planning software's would also prove beneficial in the planning phase. Project planning beings with the time plan. Therefore I would first schedule the sub projects. According to some sources" This project schedule will

Saturday, February 1, 2020

Computer Network Mangment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words

Computer Network Mangment - Essay Example SANTA CLARA, Calif. -- While Wi-Fi networks are often seen as simple and inexpensive to deploy, there are plenty of hidden costs and complexities lurking under the surface. Now, a number of new vendors are poised to remedy those problems. Panelists at the Wireless Internet Summit said that problems with radio frequency interference and site surveys often plague enterprises deploying wireless local area networks. Wireless LAN deployments are often expensive for companies because RF surveys, which help ensure proper network coverage, can cost as much as $1,000 per access point, said Albert Lew, director of product management for Burlington, Mass.-based wireless LAN vendor Legra Systems Inc. IT departments usually lack the expertise to do these surveys themselves, he said. Interference is also becoming a problem for many businesses, said Tyler Burns, product marketing manager with Ottawa-based wireless products manufacturer IceFyre Semiconductor Inc. He noted that the growing popularity of Wi-Fi, and the numerous technologies that compete with it, are taking up much of the space in the 2.4 GHz RF band. Having high quality of service over Wi-Fi networks will be increasingly important, particularly when it comes to voice and eventually video data, because that technology was not intended for those uses, said Warren Sly, director of marketing for Bellevue, Wash.-based in-building wireless infrastructure company RadioFrame Networks Inc. Third-party vendors, such as San Francisco-based Sputnik Inc., are developing products that can help IT managers both configure access points and control them, ensuring better coverage. Dave Sifry, CTO and co-founder of Sputnik, said that his company's products enable IT managers... This paper approves that training library users becomes more intensive and extended when IT is accessible. Coping with budget allocations and increasing demands from staff and the public becomes a skill that demands accurate knowledge of constituencies including accurate information on the enrollment figures, number of teachers, degrees held, conferred degrees, information seeking patterns, library use patterns, and substantial knowledge about their clout in the organization. Using rules set up by the Network Administrator, the firewall either permits or denies access. This essay makes a conclusion that IT implementation generally has special staff needs. Levels of required IT expertise will vary according to the innovation. Managers will have to identify staff members with expertise and allow time for these to pursue further training, or resort to hiring trained people. Even this requires considerable effort in assessing the need and building a need for new hiring to upper management. Clearly, the issues, problems and implications of developing and implementing a LAN, or any innovation are far from simple and straight forward. The ones mentioned in this paper are just a summary of those perceived as critical. Many other issues must be taken in consideration depending on the library, the staff and the environment in each organization. The management must be versed on the necessary techniques to assess the needs and determine the feasibility of any innovation in the workplace and its impact on staff and the users combined with political savy.